Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Still need to get the lead out....

Hey Ladies:

I'm killing some time before I leave to teach a CPR/AED class at ISU tonight. I really wish I could just stay home and relax. Oh well, extra money is nice. I was really looking forward to implementing some changes this week but once again my workload causing some issues. I hate having so much work to constantly worry about. When I complete one thing, I get 3 more new tasks. Maybe due to the upcoming bad weather, I can just hide in my apartment and work for a solid day and make a good dent.

Here are my 3 goals for the week (just sticking to three each week):

1. I will go to bed earlier so I can wake up earlier as a result. My current sleep pattern is not going to help weight loss.

2. I will run on the treadmill 3 times before Sunday. Not sure what level I'll be starting at.

3. I will only eat out 1-2 times a week. I prefer only once a week.

I got my blood work back and need to make lifestyle changes to lower my cholesterol and I need to severely drop my triglycerides. They were sky high.

On a separate topic, I have completed another book. It is called "Nectar in a Sieve". I borrowed it from LeAnn. I did really enjoy it and it was a quick read. I now have a stack of 10 or so books that I've borrowed so I hope to read one every 1-2 weeks. Yippee for literary hobbies. One thing that made me think was the fact that families picked out who you would marry in the story. Who would your parents have set you up with as a husband if we used that practice now a days? I think my parents would have set me up with Ben Stamper....not entirely sure why but he jumped into my head when I first thought about it.

Ok, time to prepare for CPR/AED.


project.100.gone said...

excellent goals Jenny! I wish you luck in the upcoming week. Also, I don't even want to think of who my parents would have set me up with. Actually it's a very terrifying thought. When she met the guys that I'm friends with now she thought I should date Ben. I love Ben but would never want to date him. I think I better take care of this myself :)

LeAnn said...

Yes, good goals. How many times have you treadmilled? It's already Wed. I think Mom would have set me up with Dylan Newton because she worked with his mom and his mom adored me for some reason. I don't even want to know who Dad would have picked.
I think, if you schedule it right, working-out can be a nice break from work. Having a stressful day, then take 20 minutes to jog or briskly walk to get out the stress and pressure. Then, go back to work.
The sleeping thing will have to be your own triumph, because I have no trouble with it. Therefore, I have little advice. Time to get stuff done so I don't feel like a lazy ass.