Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Pleasant surprise...

Happy Tuesday ladies! I was a blog slacker last week and I'm sorry about that. I need to work on that. Anyway, the last week has been pretty good. I've done well getting into our Live Healthy Iowa program. I have been eating really well and sticking to my daily menu. Because of the way I've been eating I've discovered something. I really enjoy eating because I'm hungry. That might sound odd but I don't know think I've eaten just for hunger in years. Every time I eat I am very hungry and it's nice. It's a very satisfying feeling to wait for hunger and then eat until comfortably full.

I will admit that I didn't do as much exercise last week as I would have liked. I have, however started to rectify that situation. I was browsing the Live Healthy website and looking at their exercise plans and I came across a 21 minute ab routine that looked interesting. It has 6 exercises that are done as a circuit and then repeated 3 times. I wasn't sure how difficult it would be so I started last night after work. After my second time through, I decided that that was probably enough as my form was getting poor and I didn't want to hurt my back. Later in the evening I was sitting at my computer and I thought for sure I would have some serious abdominal pain today. I was, however, pleasantly surprised. While I still feel a little weakness in my abs I don't have any pain. I will definitely keep this routine in my rotation but I will probably back it down to one cycle (at least of the more difficult exercises) and work up to 3.

I don't think I have anything else fun to say at this time. Have a great week!


project.100.gone said...

Kudos on a week of successful eating. I completely understand how good it feels when you eat a good meal based on hunger. I'll have to check out that ab work out. Sounds interesting. I've never been big on ab workouts and my midsection probably proves that.

I need to get my rump into gear. I'm letting life get in the way of changing my lifestyle patterns.

LeAnn said...

Sounds like a nice ab work-out. However, I kind've like the pain that comes with it, so I'd want to feel it the next day. I haven't done anything ab-related yet. I should get started. I've mostly been jogging, walking, and lifting weights. There is no real good place to stretch at the local work-out place, otherwise I'd probably stretch better and get in those ab work-outs.
I agree about the satisfaction of eating when actually hungry. It's much more rewarding. The problem I am facing now is that I honestly feel hungry a lot of the time. Jason says I'm burning fat more often now and that makes my body feel hungry. Should I believe him?

project.100.gone said...

Well, the hunger feeling in your stomach is based on the effects of about 192 hormones reacting to your blood sugar level. OK, maybe not 192 but there are lots. When your blood sugar drops you feel hungry. I don't know that it has as much to do with the fat being burned as your metabolism is going to be higher because you're working out so you're using circulation sugars more readil. As long as you're eating enough calories in a day (for you about 16,00) to keep your metabolism going, it's OK to ignore hunger inbetween meals/planned snacks. However, if you're really feeling famished a smart snack is definitley OK.

On the plus side, if you ignore mild hunger pangs and you're eating a reasonable number of calories in meals/snacks your body will break down fat and process it to get sugar in the blood stream. Basically you'll be snacking on your hips or tummy (or whatever areas have you excess fat).