Wednesday, January 6, 2010

2010 A Year of Change!

I'm finally getting with it and blogging...I've had intentions to blog for weeks! I admit with the new year starting, I have all kind of goals, ideas, and plans swimming around in my head. Hopefully I can put things down in an organized fashion. First of all I want to lay out my resolutions for the new year.

1. I want to make a healthy lifestyle change. I'm not going to attach a weight loss number to this goal. I simply want to exercise regularly and eat better. I'll make more specific goals as I continue to work on this endeavor. I want to feel better overall and look better.

2. I want to live a more organized life. I considered attending college to be a full time job but this past semester truly showed me what working full time meant. Something was always suffering in my life at some point. If I took more time for parenting, my work suffered and vice versa. One area of my life has suffered for social life. I really want to take time to hang with friends and date. I always seem to find great friends that I really enjoy hanging out with and they end up moving away (ahem Nicole) and that will happen again in 2010 when Tiffany and Gregg move away.

3. I need to fix my sleeping issues! I am the ripe old age of 27 now and I need to sleep like a normal person. My dentist has shown concern about the possibility of sleep apnea and those fears were confirmed over break. If I sleep on my back, I apparently sound like I'm dying. Crappers. I'll obviously help solve this issue if I lose weight and improve my overall lifestyle. As juvenile as it sounds, I want to be able to go to bed at a suitable time and wake up early too. I would love having my workouts in the morning to start my day instead of being a sloth until 10am.

I keeping it at three resolutions. I prefer simplicity.


LeAnn said...

About time one of you two blog. I think your #1 is also on my and Nicole's list of resolutions. I hate being one of the stereotypes though, because everyone and their mother are starting a diet or exercise plan due to their resolutions. Then, come March they all stop or give up. I hope I am not part of that stereotype too.

Good luck with your #2. We all probably need a bit more organization in our life. It's a good life goal. I agree with your #3. Get rid of the naps and go to bed at a reasonable time. I'm started my own sleeping problem. I have been getting way too much sleep lately. Luckily, it can't go on forever, but I should probably nip it in the bud before it gets out of hand. Who knew sleep could be an extra stress? Good luck with all three.

project.100.gone said...

I like your goals. I also really enjoy the fact that you didn't set a specific weight with #1...making healthy changes is more important than focusing on a number.

I could use some more organization, that's actually similar to one of my goals. Good luck with the sleeping thing. I can't imagine how hard it must be to have the sleeping issues that you do. Best wishes in the new year with your goals!!

project.100.gone said...

oh yeah, sorry about the Michigan thing. If it makes you feel better, I like it less than you do!