Thursday, July 9, 2009

Happy July and no more waste!

Hello ladies! I hope that you both had an excellent 4th and are digging into the month of July. The 4th is always a bittersweet holiday. While it's fun to celebrate the 4th, to me it always seems like it's the start of the end of the summer. This year was no different for me. I had an amazing time on the 4th (Brent Smith is a GOD)but I cannot believe that it's already July 9th...what happened to June?!?!? I had some serious goals for this summer in regards to my weight loss attempt and I have not accomplished any of them. I feel like if I don't start now then I will never get back on track. Not only am I not losing weight I am also wasting SO MUCH MONEY!

I made a menu for the next week. I went to the grocery store tonight in order to get the supplies. I am not going to eat out at all. When I got home I had to clean out my fridge and I was appalled! I threw out so much food it was disgusting. Not only did I throw out fresh veggies and fruit that I had purchased but I also threw out a chicken breast and 1/2 pound of ground beef that I pulled out at some point and forgot about. Seriously?!?!? I not only wasted a bunch of money on food that went bad but I also paid money to eat out. This cannot happen. I do not have enough money to be wasting like this! So, no more waste! I bought groceries and I am going to cook at home!

While my eating has sucked, my physical activity is going well. I have been working out with Chris 3 nights at her apartment. It's nice to have a work out buddy and it motivates me to keep up with it!

Ok, I'm terribly distracted and can't really type any more right now. I am going to leave you with some pictures from my amazing 4th of July concert! Enjoy!




Above is Brent Smith right before I touched him!

Staind (they were the only band who's lights looked cool because they're the only band that played after dark)

(Aaron Lewis' butt...that's the view I had for the encore)


project.100.gone said...

Once again I am jealous of your opportunity to attend this concert! I hear you about the eating out dilemma. We ate out today and I deeply regret it. It didn't taste that great and it cost a lot. Blah. As soon as my back is better, I need to drop my weight so I can prevent future back issues. More on that in a later blog...

LeAnn said...

Great pictures, looks to have been a great concert. I hate to be an echo but I too am falling into the bad habit of eating out too often. Jason's, my boyfriend's, family eats out a lot and Jason does too so I have joined them in that unhealthy tradition. We were doing well not so long ago, cooking all meals at home. It's a challenge but I hope to pick that up and show Jason that eating out should be a rare occasion and a reward. Pretty soon our garden will be fruitful and we will be able to eat fresh food for basically every meal. I know I will at least, I can't speak for Jason.
I also hear you about July 4th marking the end of the summer, I feel exactly the same way. It's a crime how fast the summer months go. I'm starting to think seriously about student teaching and what I need to do. I hope to blog very soon. Keep up the physical activity, you should be proud of your continued exercise. :)