Thursday, July 16, 2009


I should really be cleaning my oven prior to going to my afternoon job but I have an interesting topic on my mind. And based on the title of this guessed's love. I had the pleasure of being the witness for Tiffany and Gregg's marriage license today. While paperwork was being filled out, I had the chance to really stand back and see how they interacted with each other and it's so obvious that they are both happy and in love with each other. It's tough to look at many couples now a days and see love reflected through their body language, communication, etc. It really made me happy for both of them and I'm so honored to be the person that helps make the marriage legal.

I'm filled with a positive jealousy....yes I know that is an oxymoron. I can't help but want that kind of relationship. A relationship where I'm loved and accepted for who I am. A love that will have its ups and downs but will continue to flourish throughout the years. It's fairly obvious that Tiffany and Gregg's faith is the backbone to their success. I consider it a positive jealousy because I do want what Tiffany has but that the same time I'm genuinely happy for her. It's helping me think about my future....maybe I can get my personal life back on track and successfully date again this fall. I seriously feel out of the loop when it comes to the opposite sex. It will be interesting.

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

Oh love . . . I could write a book (and someday I just might). I constantly think about it and analyze couples. I analyze our parents and Jason and I, etc. I'm guessing you don't see the same "love" between Jason and I that you saw with Tiffany and Gregg. I don't blame you for wanting that "love" or any "love" for that matter. The whole acceptance for who we truly are is a great thing to find in a relationship but FIRST you must be your true self otherwise your beau may be falling in love or accepting your false self. This may be an obvious statement, as many of mine are, but I think it's worth thinking about (at least it has been for me). Until next time . . .