Friday, July 24, 2009


Hey all-

My thesis is DONE! All I have to do now is print off the PDF four times so I can get it bound for all the parties that requested a copy. Yippee! Now I can focus on moving and measuring kids for my job through Kathi!

I almost blogged last night when I was in a very pissy mood. I'm sure you both remember that Trevor guy I mention from time to time. He's the dude that lives in Chicago. He and I were supposed to hang out this week. He was great about planning our time together a couple weeks ago but he turned back into his usual self and stopped communicating with me more than a week ago. Obviously we didn't hang out and he never called, sent a text, or emailed me even though I periodically did those things to check on the progress of the plans. I've come to the conclusion that he's one of the most inconsiderate people I know. He always gets an emotional stir out of me when he's nice to me and I'm not sure why. He always ends up severely disappointing me and you'd think I'd learn from that. He's burned a bridge with me now. I'm not mad that we didn't hang out...I'm mad that he didn't have the decency to communicate about the whole deal. I need to find a decent guy that respects me....Trevor obviously isn't that man. It sucks to really like a guy that can't even be a decent friend.

I would have used more curse words last night so I'm glad I calmed down and wrote a PG version. I hope you both have a fabulous weekend!

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

Alright, now begins my catching up on your guys' blog. Yea, Trevor sounds like a douche. He seems the type to manipulate you and have you at his will (no offense). And as you said, he's inconsiderate. By not staying in contact to at least let you know what's going on, whether he's coming or not, is completely immature. I would say it's not worth your time (and "emotional stir") if keeps treating you so poorly. Probably a good idea that you burned that bridge, don't let him have the power or the control. Girl power all the way!