Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Updates galore

Hey ladies-

Well....I've wanted to blog for more than a week now. Maybe it was wise to put it off because you would have heard about a lot of my worries and issues. Most of those worries/issues have now been resolved so I'll just report on the good news.

I have a new residence to move into on August 2nd. According to my uncle, I have a moving truck that will allow me to move out on Thursday, July 30. I'll have to keep all my belongings in the truck until Sunday, August 2nd. Some of my family will be coming on Sunday to help me move, thank god!

Things are coming together with my future job. I have another meeting on Friday about details since more information has been finalized.

Due to my numerous jobs, need to finish my thesis, need to find a different apartment, and parenting my life has been nuts for most of July. Every day has that "go go go" theme to it because I need to make so many phone calls, work at 3 or 4 locations, or run errands. I'm really not used to being so hectic in nature. I've been so disorganized. More than half of my current apartment is in boxes so that doesn't help matters either. I'm just hoping that Gavin survives our transition unscathed.

The beauty of being so busy is that I don't have time to mindlessly snack. I barely have time to eat, which isn't great, but I'm not dealing with this stress with extra eating. I'm concerned about my choices at times though. We've been eating at Subway and Jimmy John's more than we should be but getting food like that is so much easier after working 16 hours in a day. Excuses, I know.

I hurt my back while on vacation---camping wasn't kind to me. Fortunately, I feel back to normal now after seeing a chiropractor. I still have another week or so of treatment because my lower back was really wrecked. I could even tell by looking at the x-ray that things weren't in good shape. Even before the injury, I've had A LOT of stress on my lower back due to my weight. My back and joints have never really bothered me before though but it's possible that my injury could not have occurred or been so bad if I weighed less. Plus I'm getting older (obviously) so my body may not hold up so well if I stay at this weight or get heavier. More motivation to make some healthy improvements!

I'm sure I'll have more updates as the end of the month approaches. I cannot wait to have a normal job. More than likely I'll have to quit my greenhouse job or dramatically cut hours. I have great plans to start up healthy habits in our new apartment. Here are some of my upcoming plans:

1. I am getting rid of my TV in the bedroom. Gavin may still have one in his room for his Playstation but I'm not sure. We have less space at our new residence.

2. It was a criteria that my treadmill fit in my new living room. It will be used regularly and I want to start that habit as soon as I start living there so things become routine. Hopefully by working "normal" hours I can always run the same time each day.

3. I will be a decent distance from ISU. I'll get a parking pass but I will make a strong effort to ride my bike to work each day when the weather is decent. Just don't want to be horribly sweaty if I have to look nice when I teach.

I do have one worry. Hy-Vee is right by my apartment building! Great for scheduled and planned grocery trips but I don't want to be running there for junk or indulgences that aren't appropriate. I predict a future blog entry entitled "I really want to go to Hy-Vee right now for their cheesy potatoes in the deli section!"

Here is a link of my apartment if you're interested in seeing things.


Nicole said...

I'm glad that you were able to have a positive blog entry! I feel like focusing on the positive is really important! I'm also glad that the moving situation is taken care of and that you have a truck that you can keep until Sunday when you have help to move. I know that you and Gavin are going to have an excellent time as you transition into a life of non-grad school! Also, I woouldn't worry too much about the Hy-Vee temptation. I actually found that living so close to a grocery store helped me to eat healthier and for less because I was able to just pop over and get my fresh fruits and veggies a few times a week instead of getting something that would stay good an entire week. You'll just have to work on discipline and limit the cheesy potato intake!

LeAnn said...

Yes, it's good to read good news/updates rather than the "others". Having a moving truck to hold your stuff for a couple of days sounds like a really good plan. Renee and I had to move our stuff into a storage unit for like a day and a half between moves and it sucked. I hope we have enough people so the move goes smooth and fast. I'm excited to see your new place. I can see how Hyvee may be a temptation but it's better than a restaurant of some sort, you have healthy choices at Hyvee. I checked our your place on the website you posted, looks and sounds nice. A new, fresh start can bring good decisions and changes so best of luck making the transition.
Honestly, I like being busy (it took me awhile to like it) because it kept me moving and (like you said) kept me from having extra time that I'd probably use to snack. Just make sure you aren't stretching yourself too thin. I'm sure I'll be seeing you sometime in a couple weeks. I have a dentist appt. on the 29th and I don't know if I can persuade Jason to come. Soooo, until then good luck packing and getting organized.