Thursday, July 23, 2009

Important things don't come easy!

I turned my thesis in electronically on Wednesday (yesterday). I'm currently waiting to hear back from a reviewer so I can make formatting corrections. At the moment, I'm quite impatient because I wanted an email from a reviewer by now since it's been about 24 hours. I imagine there is an overload of people turning in their thesis or dissertation right now since the deadline is tomorrow (Friday). I am hoping to have further corrections completed by the middle of the day on Friday....we'll see if that happens.

Onto the title of this blog entry....I've obviously had a lot of time to reflect on my thesis since it's been a work in progress since the fall of 2007 to this week in 2009. When I've felt especially stressed, I tell myself that nothing important comes easy. We all know this is true with weight loss. It's a struggle every day to work out, eat right, etc. It's also apparent with graduate school. And LeAnn will soon realize that student teaching isn't a walk in the park.

I don't have much more to ramble about since I'm extremely busy. I start remeasuring the kids from study next week since my advisor wants to see more data and write a paper herself. I've spent hours making phone calls and assigning appointments this week. I also became a certified instructor for the Babysitting Course at the Red Cross this week. fortunately I have a few days off from the greenhouse though. It felt weird to turn in my notice for that job but in the long run I will really enjoy having weekends off. Just sucks to stop working at a job that is so easy and pays incredibly well. I also need to keep packing and cleaning so I'm prepared for moving out NEXT WEEK! I cannot believe how quickly the end of the month is approaching. Crazy.

Until next time ladies....


Nicole said...

In the hustle don't forget to breathe, sleep, eat, feed your son and take some time for you. Even 10 minutes a day will keep you sane. I remember the days leading up to the move to Michigan and it was crazy...good luck with everything!

LeAnn said...

Indeed, nothing comes easy. I don't things such as weight loss, finishing a thesis, teaching, etc. feel rewarding unless they gave you hell. I'll probably eat my words someday when I am in teaching hell. I didn't know you decided to quit the greenhouse job, that kind've blows. You should be 50% stressed and 50% excited about the move. Many hands make like work and then you have the fun part of arranging a whole new living environment (I'm not being sarcastic). I'm 100% positive that all the hard work (and stress) that will and have gone into your thesis and your upcoming transition will be worth it and rewarding. :)