Monday, July 13, 2009

Brush the dust off and get back on track...

As you both know I really like the TV show the Gilmore Girls. I love the witty banter, the crazy characters of the town and I relate well to the mother daughter relationship of Lorelai and Rory. I have the series box set and when I want mindless entertainment and don't want to watch a movie I usually watch an episode or 2 of the show. Now, you're probably sitting out there wondering why in the world is this crazy girl going on and on about GG. How could this possibly relate to weight loss or healthful lifestyle changes? If you've ever seen the show you know that the girls eat like maniacs and NEVER work out. It's not as though they're setting a great example. However, as I sat there last night working on my blanket I decided to pop in a DVD and watch for bit. When I picked a random episode to watch, I had no idea that I would find something that would relate to the struggles that we are facing as we try and become healthier. In the middle of the show, Kirk, one of the crazier characters in the town of Stars Hollow who was dressed as Jesus at the time asks a crowd of people who want to give up on a project 'Just because the road is long and dusty, is your destination so diminished?' Wow, what a thought provoking question!

I know that right now we are all in a bit of a slump and trying to find a way to bring ourselves out of it. At times it seems daunting...most of the time actually. We see our destination and it's great but then we take a look at the road that gets us there and let's be honest the road long. The road we're on has many hills, and valleys and twists and turns. It's under construction or there are traffic jams. While we want to set our cruise and just fly from point A to point B, we have to realize that that simply is not going to happen. I know that none of us are as far along as we had hoped to be at this time but we are still doing better than we have in the past. The fact that we still write in this blog is proof positive of that. Sure, we've made a few wrong turns and have driven in circles for a while but it's time to get back on the right path.

Ok, enough metawhoring (yes, that is a word) for today. I had a pretty good weekend. I did really well with eating however I didn't really work out at all. I just need to get my butt in gear! I hope you ladies have a great week getting back on track!


project.100.gone said...

First of all I commend you on blogging....I have meant to blog for days now and life has prevented it. I love Kirk's character on that show. I used to watch it somewhat regularly when they played reruns on ABC's Family Channel. I haven't watched it in over a year now. Maybe LeAnn will lend me some of her season sets? Hmmmm?

LeAnn said...

YAY for a Gilmore Girls inspired blog! I fricken love Gilmore Girls and I have all the seasons except for season #1, I prefer the later seasons anyway. I do believe I remember the episode you referred to in the blog. Is it the one where Kirk was chosen to play Jesus in the festival of living art?
On the other hand, it is a good message. It's hard, but we should remember how worth it the prize, reward, or destination is. On a smaller scale, losing substantial weight and becoming healthier is comparable to the high we get when were done working out. I love (and miss) the high I got after a good run. I wish I could use that to encourage myself to run and work out. Anyway, I digress.
Yes, Jenny I will lend you seasons of Gilmore Girls.