Thursday, July 16, 2009

"Biggest Loser" tips

Three blog entries in 24 hours... I do realize how nuts that is. I have had information from my Biggest Loser calendar sitting on my desk for awhile and I need to clear it off soon due to packing so I'm going to list some tips now.

1) Research shows that people who lose weight and keep it off have good support systems to help them along. I know this is kind of a "duh" statement but I wanted to reinforce how important our blog and discussions are since we are all going to drop our weight and keep it off!

2) Eating sweets increases the brain's level of serotonin, the feel-good chemical that raises your spirits, so your cravings for sweets may actually be symptoms of a desire for an emotional lift. I don't really crave sweets but I've already stated in the past how food can make me feel better when it comes to stress, loneliness, etc.

3) There is never a "good" time to start a weight-loss program. But think of it this way, it's always a good idea to live healthy whether it's convenient or not.

4) People that lose weight have one thing in common: exercise. Most of them burned at least 2800 or more calories a week, according to research. That's the weekly equivalent of three hours of circuit training, three hours of walking, and one hour of cleaning house---which is pretty doable. I wish they would provide the title of the studies they get these facts from!

5) Learn how to love to sweat. I admit getting really warm and sweaty can be pretty nasty but it also reminds you that you've accomplished something great after you finish an exercise session. The calendar tells you to picture that sweat is fat melting off your body. Unfortunately my education doesn't allow me to visualize that very well since I know that fat cells don't leave the body or disappear but shrink in size. I guess my imagination sucks hehe.

6) Learn to work around exercise-related injuries. Many people fall off track or stop exercising completely when an injury occurs. If one part of the body can't be exercised, don't neglect other parts. I'm horrible about this because my hamstrings do get sore and slightly injured easily. I never make a great effort to exercise my upper body when this happens....I usually just take a break and fall off the wagon with exercise. I'll need to keep this tip in mind when and if history tries to repeat itself.


Nicole said...

Wow, way to make up for your previous posity of blogging! I am in awe and amazement of your blogging power in the last 24 hours! Good tips from Biggest Loser. I've been meaning to write a blog about starting/getting back on the weight loss track and I've been putting it off. Maybe I'll write about it this weekend. I had a random thought about the last meal phenonomenon (that's just a little teaser)!

LeAnn said...

Comment from Indy!!!! We all appreciate the tips, it's good to hear what's being suggested in non-lecture form. So far, on my little vacation, I have been eating well. Actually I haven't been feeling 100% so I haven't felt like eating a ton. Today we're going golfing and to the newest Harry Potter movie. It's cool weather so we figured we'd golf comfortably and be indoors with the movie. Our ultra fancy meal was moved to Wednesday night - steak and potatoes. Have a lovely rest of the weekend!

project.100.gone said...

Just saw the new HP movie...i really enjoyed it!