Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The fact that it's been this long since the teaser should tell you something...

Ladies, being that you're children of the 80's you'll know what I'm talking about. Please tell me that you remember the commercial where the little old lady falls and calls out, 'HELP! I've fallen and I can't get up!' I remember when we were young (and much less mature) we would laugh at that silly old woman. Well, let me tell you, I have been feeling a little like Ms. I've Fallen a lot lately. Things have just been so overwhelming and it's all making me a little blue (which is why I feel like I have no energy for anything).

So, a little bit of honesty...I have been a slacker. I have not been doing well with my eating and I didn't work out at all last week. I know a week or 2 of bad behavior isn't going to ruin everything I've accomplished but it is enough time for me to get out of the swing of things. I forgot how nice it was to just go home after work. Amazing how much more time I seem to have at night when I leave work at 5 instead of 6:30. It's also amazing how much more time I seem to have when I just grab dinner from Subway or simply order a pizza instead of cooking. This is where the viscous circle begins. When I eat crap I am more tired and sluggish so I have even less energy for working out and cooking and blogging and then I grab crap to eat and drink lots of pop (caffeine baby) and that just takes me even further and further away from my goals. I could continue but I feel you get the point and my sucking is not the point so...MOVING ON!

I am at a point in the journey where I seriously need to do some moving on. I was doing well, and then I slipped, and then I was doing well, and then I slipped and now, I have to get my ass in gear and MOVE ON!!! I have always loved the saying that you don't drown by falling in the water, you drown by staying there and that is so true. I think it's really important for us all to remember that we won't fail to succeed by slipping occasionally. We won't fail if we keep pressing on and getting back on track even when it seems like we don't want to. We won't fail until we decide to throw the towel in and give up completely. I obviously can't speak for anybody but myself but I am definitely not ready to call it quits yet. I stepped on the scale this morning and I was at 296.3, not the lowest I've been but I've still made progress from the start and I'm not ready to forget that or let it go to waste.

Having said that, how am I going to get back on track? What is my motivation. Well, I have the same motivating factors that I've had all along but now I have a new and improved source of motivation. I mentioned in my teaser that a new study that I'm part of at work shed some light onto my current situation, and although the study itself is quite technical and pretty hardcore physiology I'll share the basics with you. Basically we're testing patients for endothelial dysfunction (a promising marker of subclinical cardiovascular disease). Anyway, when the company rep was here demonstrating the equipment last week we all had the chance to test ourselves (mostly so we can tell the participants that we've been through the test and it's not that bad). Anyway, with this test a score of 1.76 indicates dysfunction and anything over 2.0 is good and 1.77-1.99 is a grey area most preferably referred to as 'borderline'. Anyway, my 2 colleagues went first and got very good scores of 2.63 and 2.81. I was apprehensive to have this test done because I was actually quite nervous about what the results would be. When all was said and done my score was 2.04...whew! Now, I realize that this is in the normal, healthy category and I realize that the grey area isn't dysfunctional but I would feel a lot more comfortable if I could get my number up--well, glory of glories...it is much, much, much easier to improve endothelial function with diet and exercise than it is to address CVD. Needless to say, if I want to get this number up I better get my butt going.

Wow, so this has been a very long blog (but I haven't written in a while so I'm trying to make up for lost time). I guess the moral of the story is that I'm getting my life back on track and hope to sailing smoothe before the summer hits!!! Stay strong ladies and keep up the good work!!


project.100.gone said...

Wowser. Instead of being opposites (one of us doing great, the other struggling) we are both struggling at this point in time. I'm not used to that happening. I plan on blogging today so I won't drone on about things in this comment. I'm in a severe rut and I keep blaming my thesis and I shouldn't. I wish I could have that analysis done since it doesn't require any use of needles. I was all jazzed up about having my bloodwork retested (cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose, etc) but I don't think I've made big enough lifestyle changes yet to see the significant changes I want. Bah. Glad to see you blog though. We'll get over this TEMPORARY rut and be nutrition focused exercise machines again!

LeAnn said...

Sorry for the rut you (and Jenny) are going through. I can't brag or anything because I am not having great success either. I am not freaking out yet because I have been staying stable. I'm usually working so much during the day lately that I haven't been over-eating. I will admit that I need to be more active but I have a plan on the horizon. I'll be moving out in the very near future and with that will be a new stage of "LeAnn's life" - I'll be busy making Jason's house a home and we're going to start running everyday (that isn't raining) plus we'll be hitting up tennis often. Yay!! Anyway, it sucks we're all lagging in our lifestyle changes but we've all got the mojo to keep charging ahead.