Thursday, May 28, 2009


I'm currently killing time because I'm at a standstill with my thesis. It's due to be sent out today to my committee. I was on the ball yesterday and had corrections/edits completed by 10am to send to my advisor. I also asked some general questions too so I had expected at least one email back but didn't receive anything. I also call my advisor daily but she's been unable to be reached by phone....considering it's shut off. It's 24 hours since I sent all my information to her and I still have received no communication! I'm starting to worry. I also hope that nothing is wrong (family emergency, illness/injury, etc) but I think her cell phone would still be on if that was the case. Grr.....

On a more positive note, I'm very happy to kickstart some healthy habits again now that my thesis is close to done. Here is my list of things to restart (gradually):

1) use of my treadmill with the running program with the intention to work up to daily use

2) start using some concepts of Weight Watcher's again like counting points for a week or two so I get my portions and appetite in check

3) being to use my car less and my bike more often (but this may be tricky when Gavin has day camp during some weeks in the summer)

4)reinstate the eating-out 1-2 times a week rule

5)early to bed and early to rise....fix my sleeping habits

So those five areas are my general plan to improve my health and lifestyle in the summer months...I've kept using my thesis as an excuse even though I should not have been using any excuses at all. I will have more stresses when it comes to searching for a job, packing, finding a new place to live, etc but if I start including exercise and smart food choices now, they should fit in with the stress easily. Heck, they should help me handle my stress and hopefully reduce it for me.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents for now!

1 comment:

project.100.gone said...

sorry that you still haven't heard back from kathi...not much you can do if your major prof doesn't get your work back to you...i'm sure your committee will understand. good luck getting back into the swing of things. it always seems to be a bit easier in the summer when the days are longer and we have more energy!