Monday, May 25, 2009

What a wonderful day...

Happy Memorial Day ladies!! What an absolutely wonderful day to have off of work. The sun is hot, the breeze is cool and I just spent the last few hours hanging out a beautiful park just off my route from work. I was going to try fishing but I'm a bit strapped for cash right now and by the time I get my license, the gear that I need to stock my tackle box, bait and pay my fishing fee (yes, you have to buy a license and pay a fishing fee)I would spend an awful lot of money for a one-day excursion. So I decided to grab a book, my iPod, and a camp chair and catch some rays. What a wonderful way to spend a lazy day!

Anyway, I've been doing well with my eating and pop drinking lately. I'm not really drinking pop anymore (I splurge a few times when it sounds good but I've started drinking more water and milk to replace my caffeinated devil). What I haven't been doing is exercising regularly. I was doing really well when I was using the treadmill right after work but now that the weather is getting better I can't fathom staying in the basement at work for an extra 5 minutes let alone an extra hour. Well, I think I have a solution. The park that I was at today is just off the route that I take home at night. It's a nice park with paved walking trails that are scenic and hilly. There seem to be a lot of people who use the trail so I wouldn't be worried about being in the middle of nowhere by myself and it's in a nice area so I feel safe. I hope to start going there after work to do some walking. I really want to kick things back into gear and I think this would really help.

Anyway, I don't have much more to share today...I'm starving and need to think about food of some sort. Have a great day and I hope the long weekend was wonderful for you both!!!

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