Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Anyone else need a big kick in the ass?

So who wants to come to Ames with steel toed boots and give me a good kick? I have become sooooooooo lazy! My eating habits really suck. I am very tired all the time! Well I take that back, when 10pm rolls around I perk up and cannot fall asleep until the wee morning hours. It's getting very old and I can't function well anymore.

I keep making plans of action in my head but nothing is ever acted upon. If I could/would just work out every other day for a couple weeks, I know I'd feel better. I would gradually start working out every day when my body got used to the change. Not only should I be making better food choices for my health but I also need to start watching my budget very closely. I no longer get a stipend pay check from the Kinesiology department after May. I will only be making money through the greenhouses and hopefully the Red Cross. I really need to set a limit for grocery shopping....the only issue is that healthy foods cost so much more than convenient foods. It's going to be tough when buying fruits and vegetables. But the way I figure it, we'll be less likely to waste if we are on a tighter budget and we'll eat more filling foods. Yippee for fiber rich foods!

I just wanted to blog since I haven't done so for awhile. I really need to make a change. I feel horrible lately. The rut has gotten a little deeper but not much. I can pull myself out of this and enjoy the good weather and outdoors. I really want to start blogging on a more regular basis. My Love Hunger book has been sitting on the bench in my bedroom for weeks and I need to finish reading through it. I know I'll feel better about my thesis too if I can get my health in gear.

I've had some random notes to write so I'll include them in this blog:

According to an expert on Iron Chef (the show I watch on the Food Network), it's almost nutritionally pointless to eat spinach in it's raw state. Many people that eat spinach salads are not getting the nutritional benefits found in the vegetable. The vegetable needs to be cooked or blanched in order for certain compounds to be released so iron, vitamins, and other good stuff are usable by the body. Is it bad that I only like spinach when it's in spinach & artichoke dip?

For the second or third time, the "Biggest Loser" calendar has posted a reminder to avoid dried fruits. They stress that they are concentrated in sugar and calories. I don't see an issue with dried fruits unless you're eating a pound a day. I think something like Craisins should be used as a quick snack or on top of salads. I also enjoy dried apricots but eat them in moderation. I maybe have them once every 3-4 months.

Another interesting point on my calendar was learning to say "no". We've talked about this in other entries and it's common sense when you think about it. My issue is that most of my social opportunities fixate on going out to eat. I also want to start dating again when my thesis is done and going out to dinner is a big part of that too. I'll have that strict budget too so eating out needs to be curbed.

Ok, that's enough for now!


Nicole said...

apparently great minds think alike as we blogged at the same time...I don't have time to read and comment right now but just had to say this is amazing!

project.100.gone said...

wow...you covered some serious ground here lady! First, I miss Iron Chef (actually I miss the Food Network)! Secondly, I agree with you. Dried fruits in moderation are fine. I love craisins and get them and eat them in small doses. I pay very close attention to portion (as a quarter cup is like 150 calories) but I alter my daily calories accordingly. I think it's all about everything in moderation...that's how thin eaters do it! Good luck getting back in gear, I know you can do it! Also...just say NO!!