Saturday, January 7, 2012

T-Minus 2 days


It's almost 2am and here I am awake. It's been a common occurence this week. I should be exhausted. I got maybe 3 hours of sleep last night. I've actually gotten 2-3 hours of sleep each night this week. I've not been napping during the day either. Well wait...I've dozed a bit when watching TV on some evenings. I cannot figure out why my body and mind won't just give in and let me slumber. I've tried some "tricks" and tactics too. Decaffienated camomile tea--didn't work. Some glasses of wine--didn't work. Making myself lie in bed and not get up when I stay awake...I laid in bed for hours listening to the traffic and weird noises in my building. I do have sleeping aids (Hy-Vee brand) and it knocked me out. I felt weird and too sluggish the next day--no good. I've been told to consider my stress level but to be honest...I feel very prepared for the semester and am excited to dive into my classes next week. Blah! Something needs to give though or I'm going to have some sort of fatigued-driven break down.

I've decided to include more pictures in my blog entries. My mom let me take home the poinsetta the family bought in rememberance of deceased family members from the Smith side. It's still alive, it's still red, and it's thriving! Happy day. I'm pleased that all my vegetation is alive in the apartment. I need to repot everything though...I've put that off for months.

I watched "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?" tonight since we got it through Netflix. I had not seen the movie in years and it was odd watching Johnny Depp, Leo DiCaprio, and Juliette Lewis when they were so young. I need to keep finding gems like that on Netflix.

I'm going to Weight Watchers next week. Part of me is cringing because of how busy it will be due to the start of the new year. But I need to start weighing in at least weekly to back in the swing of things. were waiting until the end of a month to weigh yourself last year...did that work for the best? I can't remember if you blogged about it. Thanks to my indulgence in junk foods, I'm not really craving anyting "bad" for me. Here are my weight loss goals for next week:

1) I will eat breakfast each week day. I don't teach on Mon-Thursday until 11am. I plan to be to work between 8:30-9:00am so I should have plenty of time to make an egg, eat some yogurt, or make some toast with jelly.

2) I will stock up my office with healthy snacks so I'm not famished when returning home each late afternoon.

3)I will attend a Weight Watchers meeting. Sorry but it has to be a goal. Something tells me I will be tired and less interested by the end of Monday but I must press on and get my booty to Main Street.

I'm pleased to reveal that I'm reading for pleasure again. I started the sequel to "Gone with the Wind". It's called "Scarlet". I was worried about being disappointed but it's been decent for the first 100 pages. The author has done a great job relaying the emotional anguish of the main character. I've been reading when I can't sleep and I hope to finish the book this week. Not sure what I'll read next.

That's enough for now....


Healthy Lady in Progress said...

I'm sorry that you're having such a difficult time sleeping. Not that you need more suggestions but have you ever thought of listening to soothing music and doing progressive relaxation techniques? I'm sure you've tried everything but that really helped me when I had serious insomnia in high school.

I love the picture! Poinsettias are so pretty but very toxic to cats so I can never have them :-(

Yeah, so I've pretty much been a slacker for the last 3 months and haven't lost any weight. I haven't gain, but haven't lost. I'm getting back on track now and hope to post good news in the near future!

I'm really glad that you're going to your WW meetings. I know you have a crazy schedule but this is something you're doing only for you and that's a good thing. I hope your meetings go well!

Your goals are excellent. Breakfast is important and the healthy snacks are a great tool to keep you on track. I sometimes think on days that I am famished when I get home that I eat more calories while I'm preparing dinner than I do during my meal, or worse, I just grab something on my way home.

gavsmom said...

Thanks to having Internet on my phone, I have used YouTube to watch some soothing videos and relaxation videos to slow my breathing and do the progressive relaxation techniques. Depsite the lady's voice being really cool and soothing, it didn't work.

(The good news is that last night after blogging, I did sleep well but slept in too long)

LeAnn said...

Well, we have something in common for once I was having a lot of trouble sleeping too. I'm not sure if the problem is fixed, but I did manage to get some sleep. One night I had a big glass of wine then I had some Nyquil. It did the trick, but I did have a sluggish after effect the next day. Christmas break apparently messed with my sleeping schedule, AND I would like to point out that the weather might have something to do with it.

I got a poinsettia too. It's in my classroom though. I've been watering it and I think the janitors have too. Did you know that their is book "What's Eating Gilbert Grape". Does that pique your interest? It's good movie though. It's good you're back into reading. I do suggest the series "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" and the others.

I would think that you have plenty of time for breakfast. I usually just have a Special K bar or granola bar etc. Then my good ol'coffee. I'm often famished when I get home too. I haven't found a way around that yet. WW is good. I wish I had someone to workout with or keep me accountable. I don't have the time or confidence to do WW.

I need another Sunday.