Monday, January 30, 2012

*cough cough*

Yea...I played basketball with some of my students in my 11am class.   It got my heart rate up but now I have this weird feeling in my upper chest and throat so I keep coughing.   It's worth it even though I sound like I smoke a pack a day.  I'm grateful I brought some leftovers for lunch.  It was nice to eat something warm and diverse....I've been eating a lot of Campbell's soup.  I made the multigrain version of cheeseburger Hamburger Helper for lunch yesterday.  It's still not the healthiest meal since it's processed and has high sodium but I had a hankering for something salty.  I did eat too much of it but also ate a lot of veggies to keep my hunger level at bay.   I only ate out once last week too.   Jon and I had a date night on Saturday and had breakfast for supper at Perkins.  Yippee for omelets!!

I get weighed tonight at Weight Watchers.  I'm hoping I have time to bop over to the site after I meet with my accountant in Boone.   My taxes usually take little time to complete.   Yippee simplicity!  I'm hoping to lose a pound or so this week.  I can tell the weight isn't falling off as fast as before but then again I understand the science behind it.  I'm wondering when my first plateau will hit.  Being more physically active would probably help prevent that from happening early. 

You both asked about my rewards at Weight Watchers.  Be prepared to be get stickers.  You're supposed to put them on your little booklet that tracks your weight loss.  I like the public recognition more than anything since they announce your name and say how much you've lost....e.g. a 5 lbs loss etc.  They also ask your 2 cents about what's working for you.   Jon and I went shopping for groceries together on  Sunday and was disappointed to find the Skinny Cow wafer bars picked over.  The shelf was empty.  It seems that others in the area know how much they rock.  He got some of their ice cream treats though.  I think their Cookies & Cream Truffle bar is a fantastic ice cream treat and it's only 2 points for Weight Watchers. 

I'm excited for this week as it's the last week before Swim & Gym starts.   It's amazing how a program that is only 1.5 hours long on 2 days of the week takes so much time and energy.   I'm still hoping that more kiddos sign up for the program as enrollment is L-O-W. 

I laid my orange purse to rest and got a new one at Kohl's last week.  I went with green this time.

It's smaller too so that makes me happier.   Hopefully the straps don't rip out of the fabric like they did for the orange one.

Happy Monday to all.

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