Tuesday, January 31, 2012

13 Pounds

Another successful visit to Weight Watchers last night!  I am down another 2.8 lbs which is grand total of 13 lbs for January.  I hope I can be as successful during February.   I'm so pleased that I've been able to go out to eat and still eat my preferred snacks at home and lose weight each week.   It was an interesting meeting as I've never seen someone get the "gold" award at Weight Watchers.   A woman has lost over 110 pounds over 5.5 years and finally hit the maintenance stage.   She had before and after photos and it was hard to believe she was the same person.  It made me think of your co-worker Nicole and how she had a hard time believing your before photos. 

I am happy to have my taxes done too.  I'm getting most of my federal tax money and I'll be lucky if I break even with state.  I took some initiative too and made an appointment with my retirement company too.  I meet with them later in February.   I feel a little stupid as I should have met with someone in 2010.  I have a hard time understanding the financial gibberish I get each quarter.  I'm hoping this TIAA-CREF manager is OK with dumbing down the content so I can wrap my head around it.  I also need to figure out if I've made the right choices for my retirement.  I chose a plan that has me predict my year of retirement.  I think I need to choose a different year.  I felt so rushed and uneducated in 2009 when I was at my meeting for retirement and benefits.   I was overwhelmed with choices.   Blah. 

My weeks of easy going workloads is about to end too.  I'm giving an exam today and have a pile of "practice lesson plans" to review.   Once my grading workload starts up, it seems like I'm playing catch-up with it until the end of the semester.   Oh well. 

Happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

Congrats again. Luckily, I don't think I need to lose 110 pounds, but I wouldn't mind losing half of that. It's a good thing I haven't done my taxes yet. I got a weird/random document in the mail from UNI for my taxes. I wasn't expecting that. I have online access to my TIAA-Cref, but the tax document I need isn't available yet, according to the website.
Keep up the good eating habits.