Friday, January 13, 2012

Weight Loss Update

Let's see if I can crack this blog entry out before I teach at 1:10pm. I usually take breaks when writing and it stretches out the completion process.

I would consider this week a success for weight loss. I've been using the Weight Watcher AP on my phone diligently and keeping track of my points. I have 49 to use each day and an extra 49 to use for the week. I've only used some of the extras and plan to use a lot of the extra points tonight at supper.

I've also made decent progress on my goals:

1) I will eat breakfast each week day. I don't teach on Mon-Thursday until 11am. I plan to be to work between 8:30-9:00am so I should have plenty of time to make an egg, eat some yogurt, or make some toast with jelly.

2) I will stock up my office with healthy snacks so I'm not famished when returning home each late afternoon.

3)I will attend a Weight Watchers meeting. Sorry but it has to be a goal. Something tells me I will be tired and less interested by the end of Monday but I must press on and get my booty to Main Street.

I ate breakfast every day but Monday. Gavin was ill Monday and it threw my morning off. I did have a late morning snack though at work. I've mainly been eating yogurt for breakfast. I can't handle eating a lot of food at that time of day. I attended a Weight Watchers meeting on Monday. I made a big trip to Wal-Mart and got a lot of food for my office. I bought fruit cups (in natural juices), applesauce, and those portable bowls and cups of soup from Campbell's.

I'm actually quite excited to weigh in on Monday. I'm also worried about next week. Next week is that "fun" ladies' week of the month and my hunger really gets nuts during that time. I especially crave salt during that week and find myself getting chips. I'm going to try and use popcorn to meet that craving. Or salt some apples.

I was very proud of myself last night. After teaching my CPR class, I ran to Taco John's to get Gavin some food since he's been hungry all the time lately. I did not buy anything for myself. He doesn't really care for the potato oles and in the past I've eaten those for him (with the super unhealthy nacho cheese). I only bought him his grilled stuffed taco and a drink. I tell you what was a difficult ride home smelling that saturated fat. I made a homemade pizza when I got home. I can get buy making homemade pizzas since I don't put cheese on mine. The cheese usually makes the point value skyrocket.

I've done better not snacking at night too. Tuesday and Wednesday were difficult because I truly felt hungry at 9pm. I did have points left over and used some of my extras to have some cheese and crackers. I've decided that I love and hate cheese. It's great because it's helping to make up for my lack of milk consumption. I hate it because I could eat pieces of cheddar cheese all day. I need to start buying the smallest bricks of cheddar so I don't have a giant hunk of cheese staring at me every time I open the fridge.

I'm excited to have Monday off. I'm not sure if it will be spent in Ankeny or in Ames. Maybe both. I want to help Jon work on his basement but I also have some domestic duties to do at home. I tell you what...I'm anxious to not have to clean apartment building hallways. I cannot wait to stop doing that this summer.

Woohoo it's only 12:55pm! I still have 15 minutes before I teach :)


LeAnn said...

Howdy. Sounds like a good week for you. Down with Taco Johns. Gavin can eat that crap for years to come, but someday he'll have to cut it out. Anyway, kudos on saying no. It's weird. I have occasional cravings to binge on fast food, usually pizza. Unfortunately it happens on Friday, which I think is linked to the fast that I'm exhausted.

Anyway, congrats on doing a good job blogging lately. Keep up with the breakfast. I tell ya - granola bar! However, yogurt is a good choice too. I've heard a lot about positive stuff about eating yogurt and weight loss.

Enjoy your three-day weekend. I have work on Monday.

Healthy Lady in Progress said...

Wow...kudos on the excellent blogging this week. I feel like a big slacker because I haven't even been reading let alone writing.

It sounds like you have had a really great week and I'm so happy for you. You're getting your goals accomplished and fighting temptation!

As much as I refused to try them in the past I have actually found that I like some of the WW snack foods. They're low-fat ice cream snacks are quite tasty and are a good treat when I'm hungry or craving something later at night. Lately though I've been eating their 2% milk fat cheese sticks. This might be a good option for you Jenny. They have a cheddar stick and it's 70 calories (I think two points) and it might help in the over eating category because it comes in a single serve package. I have a hard time stopping when I eat cheddar cheese too, especially if it's cut and in a container and I just take slices out and the individual sticks eliminates that for me. I also keep the sticks in the crisper drawer so I don't see them when I open the fridge :-)