Thursday, January 26, 2012

Started off rough but improved!

Well today didn't start off great as I woke up to a phone call about a no-show life guard.  It's been awhile since we've had life guard issues so I was bummed to deal with that again.  I was pleased that my day didn't continue to follow the path of crappiness as I got to work.  I had a message on my phone waiting for me and cringed when I started listening to the voicemail.  It was the lady from the audit office at ISU.  I immediately figured she had another list of things to look up or photo copy for her.  Nope!  They are concluding the audit and giving their findings to a work committee so the committee can begin to create guidelines for all youth programs on campus.  They did find issues but they are primarily related to finances and how the secretaries track the payment and cash the checks.  So yes I do need to check on those things this summer and not let history repeat itself but I'm pleased they didn't bash my practices as the director.  Whew!  I got approval for altering my pay for the program too.  My pay did not compensate how much work I put into the program in 2011. 

I have to vent about a current situation from tonight.  Since pay day is approaching, I decided to plan out my bills and figure out my finances for February.  I went into the site for my government provided school loans.  The site is telling my my loans were paid off on 1/19/12 and that I owe no money.  Umm....quite impossible.  Part of me wants to say "oh well, that's fantastic" while the rational side of me wants to contact them tomorrow and figure out what the hell is going on.  So of course, that's one of the first things on my agenda in the morning.  Regardless of what happened, it was a cruel tease.  I would love to have a zero balance on my school loans. 

I'm anxious for my tax appointment on Monday too.  I always worry about how DMACC and the Red Cross deduct my taxes (primarily state).  One of these years I'm going to have to pay into the state and it would be nice if that didn't start in 2012.  I really need some cash to put into savings so I can send Gavin to 2 camps for the summer.  I also need extra $$$ for the moving expenses I will have.  

I guess I don't have a lot to say about the weight loss.   I've had some serious bouts of hunger the past few days.   I'm grateful that I ration out my points so that I can actually snack when needed.  The physical activity is still below par.  I'm so happy I can eat all the fresh fruit and veggies I want. 

I'm also pleased for a low key weekend.  The only planned events are Gavin's basketball game, a date night with Jon on Saturday, and church.   It does sound like Gavin will have a lot of homework so it will be nice to have time to devote to his projects. 

Happy Friday!


LeAnn said...

That would not be a pleasant phone call. By the way, lifeguard is one word. Anywho, hopefully the call from Ms. Audit made up for the rough start. How much (if I can be nosy) did you raise your pay? And, what website did you go to for your student loan stuff? I just checked my Direct Loan website. I owe so much. It's hard to believe it'll ever be paid. Maybe it's time to start gambling more, lol. I suppose I should be glad I can afford the payments. Did you call the people yet? Did they explain anything?

I'm debating if I want to use Turbo Tax for my taxes again this year. As you already know, I'm debating if I want to file state taxes. It's somewhat odd/interesting that Gavin is a camp-kid in the summer. We never did that stuff. However, I did ask Mom once. She said no. Yet, Alissa got to/gets to do the Village Creek Bible camp - the fairness is not there. Have a good low-key weekend.

Healthy Lady in Progress said...

I'm sorry about the lifeguard situation. I know what it's like to have people call in. I'm glad you're hassle with the audit is over, for the most part and that you were able to adjust your pay. It's good to be compensated for the work you do.

I think if they made an error and told me my loans were paid off I'd just roll with it...then again, maybe not.

Enjoy your low-key weekend, I always think they're the best!