Thursday, January 19, 2012

Is it Monday yet?

Now I don't want the weekend to fly by...that would be blasphemous. I'm anxious for my next weigh-in though. I've had a couple difficult evenings this week because the urge to snack at night is coming back. I'm grateful that I have extra points to use throughout the week. We haven't gone out to eat this week so that's been helpful. Saturday night should be the first night that we induldge in "outside food". We are going to a hockey game in Des Moines so I imagine the boys will want junk food. I'm going to try and eat something before we go so I'm not crazy hungry before or during the event.

I had to run what felt like a million errands today after work and started to desire some fast food but luckily I had a turkey sandwich before venturing out for the grocery shopping. I had to get some boy-friendly food for Gavin's sleepover on Saturday night (after hockey) and his treats for Saturday after basketball. Luckily only one of the items is appealing to me. I'll really have to watch myself when the cheddar potato chips are opened.

I'm really curious about how much weight I will lose by Monday. I know last week was crazy since water weight was being lost and my body was reacting to the first week of caloric imbalance. I know I'm going to have to kick start my physical activity soon and I wish I had the motivation to dive into it full force. The sad thing is that I love the feeling I have after I exercise. I just hate how it feels sometimes when I start up and in the middle of it. Sigh.

I found a really good treat while shopping at Sam's Club last weekend. It's from the company that makes Cliff Bars. It's actually a product for kids but I love it. I enjoy fruit snacks and this is a rope-like product that is 100% fruit. It's delicious and only 2 points. It cost about $10 for a box of 24 of them. I've never seen them anywhere else in smaller packages.

Well I don't have anything profound to include in this entry...I just wanted to reflect a little bit before I hit the sack. Hurry up Monday!!


LeAnn said...

No, it's not Monday nor will it be for just over two days. Hallelujah. I already told you that I'm suffering from a back eating habit. Part of the problem is that I buy myself the bad stuff. I crave it, buy it, eat it. I need that crud called "Discipline."

Watch your spelling, missy. Indulge. I hope Gavin has a fun night. Buying snacks for others is tempting and occasionally hard to do. It was my turn to bring treats to school for today, but it'll have to be Monday instead. I bought bagels, cream cheese, donuts, and lemon bread (but it's more like cake). It's tempting to dive in myself.

Those fruit rope things sound good. I have a similar issue with working out. If I didn't have a job, I'd have a lot more time and energy. Anyway, good job on blogging again. I planned on blogging today/tonight, but we'll see.

Happy Birthday, Gavin. Twelve years. Hmmm. Might be time to think about another one. Hee, hee.

gavsmom said...

Speaking of proper're suffering from a "back" eating habit? Remind me not to turn my backside your way.

Tell Jon to hurry up and marry me so I can crack out another kiddo. I prefer to do it in the proper order with the next offspring.

Healthy Lady in Progress said...

you girls are too funny!

The fruit ropes from Cliff are awesome! Then again, so are cheddar potato chips...

Good job with the snacking before the errands. It's so much easier to avoid the siren call of fast food if you're not actually famished when you drive by.

Good luck with your temptations this weekend and I hope that you have a very successful weigh in on Monday.