Monday, January 9, 2012

"If you fail to plan then plan on failing"

Hey all:

I attended a Weight Watcher's meeting. I will admit it was tough...I got really tired while standing in line. I'm pretty sure the place was breaking fire code too as it was packed. I was surprised by the number of men. I have seen them targeting the menfolk lately in commericals and online so apparently their campaign is working.

I really wasn't pleased with my weight. I'm not comfortable announcing it yet but my main goal is to drop about 7 lbs.

While sitting in the meeting, the leader kept mentioning the application for smart phones so I played with the two I already have in my phone. The calculator is nifty and much needed since protein, carbs, fat, and fiber all need to be factored in to get the point value for a food. I was a little frustrated because the leader kept saying those were the only nutrients in our diet. She must have forgotten vitamins, minerals, and water. Oh and fiber is a type of carbohydrate. Read a book people!

The other application is cool because I can track my points each day (I get 49 total). It also allows me to create meals and get an estimate on points. Hopefully haven't my phone with me all the time will help me track.

The theme for the meeting was planning. One woman admitted to cooking a month's worth a food and freezing the meals to help save time. I don't think I can go that far but I do need to set aside some time each night to prepare my lunch for work or even set out items for breakfast. They also discussed planning before eating out. I do typically look at menus prior to visiting a restaurant not always for health reasons but because I'm worried they won't have a meal I like.

It will be interesting to see how crowded the meetings remain as February approaches. I don't want people to drop out but it's going to naturally happen. The herd will thin itself out as motivations drop. I really don't want to be in the category of those that stop attending. I do not have any desire to buy the Weight Watcher's products. I've never enjoyed the food much even though the praline nutty bar free sample I was given was decent.

The leader ended the meeting with the quote in the title of this blog entry. She also included this one:

"You plan so you can bring the future into the present so you don't repeat the past."


LeAnn said...

Busy meeting, eh. I guess that's good. Too bad you're not single with all those men there, just kidding. Send the "good" ones to me. Good luck with attendance and the apps. I'm not into the apps yet.

Planning does seem like a big part of the losing-weight puzzle. The two quotes (title and final one) are well said. It reminds me of one Alissa had on FB. Something like, "Whether you think you can do it or not, you're right."

I've been planning my school lunches, making them ahead of time. Breakfast is easy - granola bar, water or milk, and coffee. Supper is tougher. It's easy to overeat at night. Find any good tips, let me know.

Healthy Lady in Progress said...

First of all yay for your first WW meeting! I'm sure that you'll get to your 7 pounds.

I think the theme is perfect. I honestly didn't start losing weight with any regularity until I started to plan and then stuck to my plan. I think planning for a month is crazy. I sometimes change my mind from the beginning to the end of the week what I want to eat but the majority of the time I stick to my plan. It's also nice because there is less wasted food then.

The apps seem like they'll be really helpful. I think the easier and more convienient it is for you to stick to the WW guidlines the more likely you will be to do so. I really hope this works out well for you this time Jenny!