Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!!!

First blog of the year! Wahoo! I've actually been attempting to blog for days but never completed an entry. I'm going to revamp as to include some resolution chit-chat.

My New Year's Eve was tame and low key. I'm grateful for that. Gavin had the opportunity to have a sleepover so I'm glad he was able to have a fun night. I should probably start accepting that he'll not spend NYE at home with his mother.

I'm pleased that Nicole got the ball rolling with resolution discussion in her blog. I've thought a lot about my resolutions all during December. Like most years, I'm excited to make some changes. The thing is....I need that excitement to stick around through December 2012. Here is a list of changes I would like to make (in no particular order):

1. Lose weight in a progressive yet sustainable manner
2. Increase my minutes of activity each week so I participate in more moderate-to-vigorous activities
3. Make moderate changes to my body fat (screw BMI I hate that measurement)
4. Read more for pleasure (I've been in a slump lately)
5. Work more on my faith through reading (see above) and service at the church
6. Save more money so there is always a suitable "cushion" in my account
7. Continue to make preparations to hopefully move in with Jon (been sorting and donating items for Good Will and a garage sale)
8. Take more time for myself on a regular basis
9. Sleep better consistently
10. Wake up earier without it feeling like agony

As I stated above, I haven't been reading anything for pleasure. I have two books to read that a friend lent me. They are both relgious in nature. I've gotten through a portion of "One Thousand Gifts" and haven't opened "Is Heaven for Real?" Jon's mom also lent me the book written after "Gone with the Wind". The back sounds intriguing so I'm hoping it's as good as the original classic.

I had been missing a pair of Lane Bryant jeans for weeks (maybe longer). I had no idea where the heck they went. I searched everywhere here and Jon looked at his place. I was pissed because they weren't cheap (nothing at Lane Bryant is) and they are fabulous jeans. I found them tonight on Jon's Good Will pile in his office. Whew! Happy day.

I'm actually anxious (in a good way) for the new semester to start. I plan to start some prep work this week and get my syallbi finalized. I do have some anxiety building about the stupid audit. Blah. I wish I could just shrug that off and not let it bother me so much. I already have to start preparing for the next session of that summer program. Yippee! (not really)

More about the weight loss. I have the reasoning running through my head constantly. I seem to have more and more reasons pop in my head each day based on how I feel and what I see. Here are a few:

--I really don't like how I look lately (especially in recent pictures involving popcorn balls

--I've been sorting through clothes and have so many jeans and cute tops that I can't wear because they're too tight...if I lost weight, I wouldn't have to buy clothes for a long time.

--My energy is low. I know my weight is affecting the quality of my sleep.

--I'm still worried about my bloodsugar and movement towards becoming diabetic. I'd like to avoid all that.

--My back has been OK but I know weight loss will help prevent anymore lower back pain.

--I want to be able to work out with Gavin as he pursues athletic endeavors in middle school and high school

I think that's enough for now. I should make regular blogging a resolution too. :)


Healthy Lady in Progress said...

I think your resolutions are wonderful and very reasonable. Heck, you've built reasonable into them...go you!

I'm glad you found your jeans. LB jeans are ridiculously expensive and while donating them would be a wonderful thing I think hanging on to them for yourself is a better idea :-)

I know how you feel about looking at yourself in pictures. That was a big motivator for me when I started. I actually saw a picture of myself in profile and I was horrified. Good luck as you work towards all of your goals. I'm no expert but I have my personal experience so if you need anything, and I mean ANYTHING let me know. I would love to help in whatever way I can.

LeAnn said...

About time you blog. Now, I guess it's my turn. My New Year's was even more low-key than yours. Doesn't it feel like we just made resolutions for 2011? It does for me. You have a lot of resolutions. Some seem easier than others, which is good - to have a variety. I hate pictures of me. It might be one of the biggest hurts of being overweight. I have a book suggestion for you, but it looks like you have plenty for now. I was in a reading slump too, but I found a really good book that "brought" me back.

It seems unreal that I begin work tomorrow already. I hate the feeling of dread, but I definitely have it. I guess it's time to finish this year, so I can enjoy my summer. Good luck with the audit and planning.