Friday, January 20, 2012

Happy Birthday Gavin!

Considering it's almost midnight...I almost missed the opportunity to use that as a title. I think the young lad had a decent birthday despite spending most of the day in school. He's gotten some gifts and cards in the mail and I gave him a simple gift too. He spent part of it already at Game much for that gift card lasting awhile. I caved in and took him to Hickory Park tonight so he could be sung to in public. I made a solid effort to eat a healthy meal. I had to use some of my extra weekly points but that's what they are given for. I got a 1/4 chicken (white meat) with two sides. I hate half of the chicken and brought the rest home to put on a salad. I got cottage cheese and....drumroll...french fries. I didn't eat them all but they helped me with a salt craving I've been having this week. We also got breaded cheese curds. I usually dominate when we eat those but I let Gavin have the majority. I tried to keep myself busy drinking water.

I'm going to try and not eat any "junk" food at the hockey game tomorrow night. I don't even remember what type of concessions they sell at the rink. I do want to get a Walking Taco at the women's basketball game on Sunday though. I love those things...ground beef, a little cheddar cheese, tons of lettuce, black olives and salsa. Not to mention the crushed up Doritos on the bottom. I wish I could have a boatload of black olive on it but that can really make the fat content skyrocket. Whoever thought of cutting open a bag of Doritos and piling taco ingredients inside is a genius.

I am mourning the loss of a friend tonight. My wonderful and spacious orange purse is biting the dust. One of the straps of the purse is disconnecting from main portion. I don't think I can fix it either due to the type of material being so thick. Sad. I think I've had it for three years though so I did get some good use out of it. Just not in the mood to purse shop and I don't have a lot of money to spend on a nice one.

The Fusion failed for me for the first time today too. I left the apartment for work this morning and it would not start. I got a jumpstart and went to a local automotive store for a free battery test. The battery wasn't functioning at a high capacity so I decided to just get a new battery while I was out and about. I was also afraid I'd get stranded at ISU later in the day or next week when the temperatures dip again. The car expenses this week have whooped my butt. I paid to get nitrogen in my tires yesterday...$53 for a jumpstart...and about $100 for a freaking battery. Luckily my insurance company will reimburse my jumpstarting fee.

All that hassle threw off my morning but I still made it to my eye doctor appointment. I got one of my big tasks competed at work too. It took the whole afternoon but my annual report was completed and submitted. It's not due until February 3 but I hate waiting to the last minute and scrambling. Ok...time to read more of my book.

The sequel to "Gone with the Wind" is taking longer than I thought. Definitely not as good as the first one but I'm going to finish it.

Happy Weekend!


Healthy Lady in Progress said...

I can't believe Gavin is 12! I feel like I just met him and he was a baby. Yes, I know he wasn't a baby when I met him but he's sure growing up fast. It's nice to go out for birthdays and it sounds like you made a good effort to be healthier. I personally would have gone for the french fries as well...but they are one of my weaknesses.


I hate when a good purse dies. I hope you have luck in finding a solid replacement.

I'm so sorry about the car troubles. That is never fun and rarely cheap. How much does it cost to get nitrogen in your tires?

I hope you have a lot of fun this weekend!!

LeAnn said...

You should be having a swell time with your men right now. I never have the urge to eat at sports outings, which I guess is good. If anything, I want a drink. Ooo, Hickory Park. Didn't we go there not that long ago? After Adventureland? I think Ryan was along. I'll always have a love affair with breaded cheese curds. Remember, when we used to order from Ray's at kids? It was like once a week or once every other week. I ALWAYS got breaded cheese curds.
Winter always makes me nervous with my car. When I started Bernard up this morning, it sounded like it hurt. It was not a good sound. I wish I had a garage.
I hope Gavin doesn't mind the lack in b-day gifts. I didn't know what to get him. Hopefully you can rectify your purse situation soon. I always get my purses from Kohls or TJ Maxx.
Hope you're having fun. Happy Birthday, Gavin!