Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Another Week of Success!


I have about an hour before I need to teach my final class of the day.   Luckily I'm showing a video for my health class so I can sit back and save my voice for the day.   Sadly I can't head home immediately afterwards as I'm having a meeting for my Swim & Gym employees.   In theory I should be working on DMACC content for class tomorrow but I'll have time to work on it tomorrow throughout the day.  I like the new book I'm mandated to use for my DMACC class but I dislike the amount of prep work it's created for me each week. 

Anywho...Weight Watchers was fantastic as I lost 2.2 pounds last week.   I was aiming for 2 pounds so I'm glad I was close.   I ate a lot more "junk" food compared to the first week since it was Gavin's birthday week.  It was also rewarding to me as I lost weight during that fun week of the month.   I tried to watch my salt intake so I wouldn't be more bloated than need be.  It was also rewarding to eat out and still succeed.  We ate at Hickory park on Friday and the hockey game on Saturday.  I also had Panera soup yesterday for lunch.  A lot of women complain about how limited they feel when it comes to eating out for meals but you can definitely do it if you put thought into your food choices.   I admit Hickory Park was tough but I got their quarter chicken (white) with cottage cheese and french fries.  Made sure I didn't eat all the fries and ate as much of the other stuff as possible. 

I don't think I know of any upcoming restaurant visits yet for this week.  My checking account balance is going to keep us eating at home for most of the meals.  I'm anxious for another payday to come around.  I meet with my accountant on Monday the 30th so I'm hoping I get a decent tax refund.  I think I have all my necessary paperwork for the meeting so I don't have to scramble on Monday before I drive to Boone to meet the guy. 

I'm still not super motivated to exercise.  I'm trying to get more activity and steps through my parking habits and stuff but I'm not hopping on the treadmill or doing much at work to burn calories.  I'm going to need to step it up because I know I'll have a tough time losing weight one of these upcoming weeks as my metabolism starts to adjust.  Good transition point for my weekly goals:

1)  I will jog 3 times this week for at least 20 minutes whether it's at home on the treadmill or at work in a gym.  Mental note....charge your Ipod Jenny.

2)I will continue to be in bed by 11pm.  I admit there have been some 11:30pm nights but it's been better than 2am or later.

 3) I will start to organize some recipes to make healthy home-made food that makes excellent leftovers.  Sadly not many of the Weight Watcher recipes appeal to me.   I'm hoping that I can make adjustments to current recipes to make them healthier. 

That's all for today!  


Healthy Lady in Progress said...

eatingwell.com seriously, it will be your friend. There are so many wonderful recipes for many different diet styles.

Congrats on another successful week!

LeAnn said...

Congrats on the continual weight loss. Be loud and proud about it. Hickory Park and Panera sounds good. I can't wait to get my taxes done. I wish I could afford a treadmill or have bravery to go to the local workout places.

Kudos for keeping up on your blogging.