Tuesday, January 17, 2012

8 pounds!


Once again I'm on a time constraint so hopefully I can write a quality entry before my 2:10pm class. It pays to be organized...I'm running about half an hour fast today thanks to prep work. I'm a little bummed about today's schedule because I have a meeting in Ankeny I forgot about. I have to hang out there from 5:30-8pm for an adjunct meeting. I'm hoping it's like meetings in the past and ends well before 8pm. At least I get paid for it...my checking account likes that.

First and foremost....I lost 8 pounds last week! I was aiming for a 3 pound loss but won't complain about the extra 5. I'm not too hung up on the awards they give at Weight Watchers but since I lost 5, I got one already. They give them for every 5 pounds lost. You also get them when you lose 5% and 10% of your body weight. You have to give an example of what is helping you lose weight so I mentioned the AP on my smart phone. It really did help me track and lessened my snacking at night.

I did indulge a little bit last night and got a small portion of cheesy potatoes at Hy-Vee. The small portion did the trick and helped me satisfy a craving. I was surprised by how quickly my hunger was met.

I'm also excited about the progress being made at Jon's house. We did more work on his man-cave area. I've been bringing some items from my place to organize for a garage sale in the spring/summer. I will start bringing other things soon so the move is spread out over time. I'd hopefully need a smaller truck too in May. I'm glad that most of my storage is in totes. It makes it a lot easier to shove into vehicles and transport. I'm making about a once a week trip to Good Will too with donations. I'm trying to be realistic with what I'm selling at the garage sale. If am item is not worth much or I'm confident it probably won't sell, it just goes to Good Will.

Here are my goals for this week:

1) I will continue to eat breakfast each day. Yoplait Whips have really helped with this.

2) I need to devise a way to slowly add activity into my life. I'm looking at activities at home since I have an exercise ball and the treadmill. I may do some sort of circuit activity at work too since the gyms are empty quite often. The secretary walks in them frequently...why can't I do some activity in them too?

3)I need to be in bed before 11pm. I will allow myself to be in bed and reading. I keep getting sucked in my TV shows and such.


LeAnn said...

It looks like it was a strong and positive start with WW. What was the award you got? Like a certificate? You sound like you're having success with your goals, but I feel like I've gone downhill. I'm not sure why either.

How does Jon feel about the work done on the man-cave area? I don't think I'll have much or anything to contribute to the garage sale. I don't own much to begin with, lol.

Is there a yogurt shortage? Every time I go to the store, they're basically out of yogurt. It's weird. Anyway.

Healthy Lady in Progress said...

8 pounds...WHOO! I am so happy that you had such a good loss this week. I'm really proud of you. I'm intrigued also, what sort of rewards does WW doe when you reach your 5 pound goals?

I'm glad things are moving forward with the move well. Getting rid of stuff is such a good feeling.

I used to love the Yoplait whips but now that I have my Chobani Greek I just can't eat other yogurts. I'm glad you found something you like...makes it easier to stick to a goal.

p.s. It's probably not a yogurt shortage LeAnn, everybody is still in their new year health kick and buying it all!