Friday, February 3, 2012


I'm pleased to be having a more relaxed work day compared to the rest of the week.  I caught up with my grading (it was like pulling teeth).   I'm also tidying up my office a bit.   My main concern is the bookshelf in my office.  

I did contribute to the problem that you see on the third shelf.   I have a horrible habit of throwing books on top of other books.   The shelf is actually starting to bow a little bit.  I don't want to come to work and see destruction everyone when it collapses.   The other shelves were primarily organized by the previous coordinators before me but due to that many things are outdated.   I'm slowly but surely getting things out of this office and off that shelf.  I have a ton of books to bring from home too so I'm trying to create a "personal resources" shelf and one designated for the resources owned by ISU.   I'm hoping to toss many VHS videos.  

The cool thing about the process is that I'm also emptying boxes I have in my office.  I'm already starting to pack things up at home so having extra empty boxes is quite beneficial.  

I am anxious to be productive this weekend.   I have a lot I want to do at home and our plans changed for Saturday afternoon/evening so I should have more time to devote to the apartment.   I also need to clean those stupid hallways in the building too.  

I've really come to enjoy Campbell's Sirloin Burger with Vegetables soup.   I can eat the whole can and it's only 6 points.  I'm pretty picky about meat products from a can and soup but the sirloin burger pieces are tasty.   It's been a big change for me to eat less Wisconsin Cheese and Potato soups.   I love those cream-based soups.   I'm grateful that tomato soup is still doable on a regular basis.  If I wasn't a soup lover, weight loss would be much more difficult for me. 

I'm also grateful that I'm enjoying deli-type sandwiches lately.   I bought some multi-grain bread at Wal-Mart (sadly 8 points for 2 slices), honey smoked turkey, regular cheddar cheese, tomatoes, and honey mustard.  I eat one of those sandwiches every other day and it's so filling and yummy.   I need to start hunting for healthy bread that doesn't take up so many points.   I could never do a diet plan that severely restricted carbohydrates.  

I haven't missed the processed food as much as I thought I would.  Tuna Helper was a regular in my life and I've only made it once in the last month.   As I was eating it, I was wishing I had made homemade tuna casserole instead.   We've only had macaroni and cheese once too and 90% if it went down Gavin's gullet.  I'm trying to appreciate the Smart One meals more.  Unfortunately I only like a handful of the meals.  The tuna augratin casserole is OK.  Not my favorite.  I do love the potatoes with cheese broccoli.  Some of the pastas trip my trigger but I'm rarely wowed.   If either of you are interested in Smart One coupons, please let me know.  I get one a week from Weight Watcher's usually.  It's the type of coupon that requires you to buy a certain quantity of Smart Ones and you get a few bucks off.  Luckily Hy-Vee has had them on sale frequently so the savings have added up.  

OK, time to attend a meeting before I leave the office for the day!  Enjoy your weekend!


Nicole said...

I love that you're able to get a bit more organized at work. Things seem so chaotic here right now because we just started a new scheduling/billing system that I feel so out of sorts. It hasn't affected our job directly but we are getting aftershocks and suffering in the ripples.

I need a productive weekend. My apartment is a disaster which is bad as I had an unexpected overnight guest on Tuesday night. I need to be more put together.

I love bread too. I actually eat the Sara Lee 45 calorie bread. It's pretty tasty and you get two slices for 90 calories. I've also found the sandwich thins to be nice as well. Usually around 100 calories and 5 or so grams of fiber. You should look into the points for might be lower.

I miss mac and cheese. I eat it on rare occasion but right now it's just too high in calories to eat with any regularity.

LeAnn said...

Nice book shelf. My OCD would not allow my shelves to look like that. I have quite a few videos too in my arsenal, but I'll probably have to keep them for years.

What plans changed for tonight? I was going to ask if you wanted to meet up in Waterloo or Cedar Falls, but I have a ton to do here, so I withheld. I am hoping to be productive too, but I started off on the wrong foot. I went to bed super early and I woke up super late. I think I got around 14 hours.

Food choices can be hard, especially for me. I used to have Tuna Helper about once a week. I kind've got sick of it though. I'm thinking about making a vat of chili before it's too spring-like outside. Tomato soup is delicious. For some reason, I'm more of a salad person than a sandwich person, at least as of late. I do use Smart Ones once in awhile for lunch at school. I like the ziti or the potatoes with cheddar broccoli. I'm on a cereal kick as of late too - what does WW think of cereal points-wise?