Monday, November 21, 2011


It's been a somewhat unproductive day but I'm OK with that. I had planned to make some more headway with cleaning and organizing here in my apartment but that didn't happen. I slept in (due to poor sleeping during the night) and only had time to shower before heading to my massage appointment. Jon got me a gift certificate almost a year ago and I wanted to make use of it. It was a decent massage but sadly massages irritate my back. It's really tough to lie flat on my back (even with the cushioning thing under my legs) so even though my back relaxed at first, it got pretty unhappy again. Luckily the discomfort didn't stick around long.

Since I was close to Des Moines, I had lunch with Jon. Half an egg salad sandwich and a bowl of Wisconsin Cheese soup. I need to get my Mom's recipe for egg salad because I really like it. I have a hard time balancing the ingredients though...I hate when it tastes too mustardy. I think that's a new adjective.

After eating that wonderful lunch, I immediately started feeling like poo. The rest of my afternoon and part of the evening included a nap to sleep off the ickiness. Hopefully I can fall asleep later as I need to be up at 4:45am so I can get down to Ankeny by 5:30am. I'm riding along on a trip to Lincoln, NE as Jon has an appointment.

Anyway...onto my title of this blog entry. I'm getting more and more excited as the holiday season approaches. I've been thinking about a lot of the events that are becoming more routine and highly anticipated each year.

1) driving around and looking at Christmas lights

2) attending the candlelight service at St. John's on Christmas eve

3) wrapping Chritmas presents (I've gotten better at this over the years)

4) attending my Christmas party for work. It's a hoot because of the White Elephant gift exchange and the fun social environment. Jon will be accompanying me this year. It's the first time I'm bringing a significant other to anything work-related.

5) decorating my apartment and Jon's home for the holidays. I believe we are setting up the Christmas tree the evening of Thanksgiving or the next day.

6) preparing Christmas cards. I love writing out cards and writing the annual Christmas letter. My list of card receivers is getting smaller each year but the list will never be short considering the size of my family, number of friends, and number of coworkers.

7) hot cocoa on a regular basis! I need to purchase some low-calorie cocoa mixes.

8) snow! I do like snow. I'm sure that may change some day when I have to shovel it on a regular basis.

9) Christmas movies! It will be fun to catch some good ones on cable and watch the ones we own.

10) having some extended time off between semesters. I'll still have to work but it will be nice to focus on other things in my life rather than grading, prepwork, etc.


Healthy Lady in Progress said...

I think the first day of a vacation should be unproductive. You've worked really hard this semseter and deserve to take a break. The cleaning will still be there on day 2!

I love egg salad sandwiches and cheese soup; sadly I never make them on my own. I should really fix that. I'm with you though, I sometimes have a hard time getting the right mixture.

I love the Christmas time of year. The music, the goodies, the lights, shopping for presents... I don't blame you for getting excited. There are just too many wonderful things to enjoy!

LeAnn said...

I've been having several lazy days. I'm so used to being busy and overwhelmed after school, but lately, I haven't had much to do, so I get really lazy. I was up peeing again last night. I don't know what it is; I don't think I'm drinking large amounts of fluids. Oh well. I haven't been sleeping the best lately either. I think my medicine is keeping me up, actually.

As pleasing as a massage sounds, it makes me nervous. I guess having someone else/stranger touch me doesn't always sound fun or comfortable. Mom's egg salad is pretty good. I still think that the massage may have been the cause of your illness, even though it sounds ridiculous. It's happened to me, so I know.

Nebraska has never enthralled me. However, it's nice that you joined Jon for the trip. It's nice that you're feeling the holiday excitement. There are a lot of positives. I like getting excited for people to open gifts from me. Where are the popcorn balls on your list? How dare you forget about them. Plus, the idea of family time! It's too bad you're not up here for Thanksgiving or the Smith family Christmas party.

Anywho, I can wait for the snow. Knock on wood, I'm glad November has been 99% snowless.