Thursday, November 3, 2011

Ready for the Weekend

Hello All:

I had intended to blog yesterday due to the rough day I had. I'm glad I waited a day though because my entry would have been one, big rant had I blogged after teaching at DMACC last night. Today was considerably better. Yesterday was proof that if things start off on a bad foot immediately, that crappiness tends to spread throughout the day.

Well I had to venture down to Des Moines and visit a student teacher right away in the morning. I had printed directions days beforehand because I had never been to the elementary school before. I used the address off the school district website. Well the zip code was wrong and it lead me to a road with a similar road on the wrong side of Des Moines. I realized I was in trouble when I pulled up to a house and not a school. I had 15 minutes to spare before my meeting so called the school to get guidance from the secretary. She couldn't even tell me what streets were near the school so I could make my way closer to the correct destination. Luckily I could reach Jon and get directions from him. I felt bad because he was sick but he made a good human GPS. I got to the school about 10 minutes late and then found out that the meeting wasn't going to work anyway due to the school having an early out. The teacher forgot about that and didn't have prep time like usual so he was teaching when I arrived. Sigh.

The youth programs at ISU are being audited and investigated. I was contacted about Summer Youth Fitness (not Swim & Gym ironically) and had a meeting about that later in the day yesterday. I was told it was just a simple meeting that would inform me about the process. I specifically asked if I needed to bring anything (registration forms, budget information, etc.). I was told no. Well after the meeting started, they started asking really detailed information and wanted to know if I had documents with me. told me I didn't need those things. Luckily I had the right answers to many of their questions. I will have more interviews in the future though. The university is trying to construct a committee that will govern youth programs so everyone is on the same page for creating fees, setting safety protocol, etc. Luckily I am OCD about that stuff and have my ducks in a row. I'm sure they'll still find deficencies though.

DMACC has been rather defeating too. The students are doing half-assed work and it's tough to teach them. They don't want to contribute or discuss things. I have one that is starting the appeal process because he has too many absences therefore an F for the class. He even had his Mom contact me. He's now claiming a medical issue and I've told him to do a medical drop for the class. If he's lying, that will be impossible and he's still in trouble. His Mom requested that I give him an incomplete. You can't give those out in the middle of the semester. And I don't believe the situation warrants an incomplete. He told me he was leaving early and missing class due to his job and flag football. Medical issues were never mentioned. Sadly I think his Mom is lying for him.

Today was much better! I do have some grading that has piled up but that will be very common now as the end of the semester approaches. I will have many unit plans to grade in the last weeks of the semester too. Those take an extreme amount of time to assess (1.5 hours each). I will have 28 to grade. Swim & Gym will wrap up on November 17 so that date is quickly approaching too. I'm so grateful to have a great staff for the program. I can leave and do other things during the program and not worry about horrible things happening. more work day and then some funness. It will be fun to bop to NE Iowa for a couple days :)


Healthy Lady in Progress said...

I hate when things start of bad and just get worse. It almost makes you wonder why you got out of bed. I am glad that Jon helped you get where you were going!

Good luck with the audit stuff. I've been in that situation too where you ask what to bring, they say nothing, and then want you to have it. Lack of communication I!

I'm sorry about the kid in your class. I'm sure you're right about the mom lying for him, which is really sad. I hope it turns out in your favor because I dislike it when people try to work the system.

Have a fabulous weekend in NE Iowa! I'm super jealous.

LeAnn said...

Howdy. I would be Pissed (noticed the capital P) if the Des Moines situation happened to me. Go through all that trouble to not be able to observe a student teacher. Wasted time and stress for nothing. I don't envy your audit/investigation situation either. Sounds like a lot of pressure.

Your DMACC students make me think of my students. I've had to make things easier, shorter, or give more time to get something done. I really shouldn't have to though, because my expectations aren't that high.

Thanks for coming to the play. I'm glad it worked out for everyone to come. Wish I could have gone to Waukon too, but obviously, I couldn't. I bet we both have some piles of grading to do. I tried working on them today, but I got sidetracked. Let's hope for a good week.