Monday, June 27, 2011


Happy Monday morning! I hope that everybody had a nice and refreshing weekend and is ready for week. I had a very pleasant weekend. I didn't accomplish much, I desperately need to so some serious work in my apartment, however, I got in some much needed rest and relaxation. I also got some really good sleep!! I haven't been sleeping well lately, shocking I know, and I got almost 10 hours of sleep both Friday and Saturday nights! I think I'm caught up because I was wide awake at 3:45 this! Oh well, it made getting out of bed at 4:30 a lot easier.

So, whoa, right? I have to admit to having a few whoa moments this past week and of course I have to share them with you!

Whoa moment number 1: I realized yesterday that I had a real hesitation about going to the pool at my apartment complex and it had nothing to do with being self conscious. I have been looking forward to some poolside R&R for weeks and yesterday was the first day that I've been able to make it there. As I was getting changed into my suit and getting all sun screened I started to feel sick to my stomach and kept trying to talk myself into just hanging out and reading my new book on the deck of my apartment. I couldn't figure out what was wrong with me until I got to the pool and it hit me. The last time I was at the pool was the day of my mom's surgery last summer. In fact, I was at the pool in the very same chair that I was in yesterday the last time that I spoke to my mom. It was a very hard moment but I made it through and hopefully won't have anymore aversions to the pool this summer.

Whoa moment number 2: and a much happier, if not unexpected moment. My sister Karla, the one who's getting married in October, found out that she's pregnant. Needless to say that this blessed event occurred a little sooner than they were expecting/hoping for (the idea was to go off birth control right after the wedding and start trying) but now that everything has sunk in Karla and Justin are both very excited about this next phase in their life together. The family is equally excited and we can't wait for the newest addition to the family.

Whoa moment number 3: I think I like tofu. I didn't want to believe it was possible but as I'm trying to be more healthy I'm trying to add new foods/dishes to my arsenal and I figured that this was the next logical healthy staple to try. Now, don't get me wrong, I never plan to stop eating meat, eggs, dairy and animal products in general but it's nice to know that in a stir fry there is a non-meat protein alternative that I like. I have a recipe that I'll be sharing at some point if you're ever feeling brave enough to try it.

Whoa moment number 4: I cannot believe how horrible I felt yesterday after eating pizza. It's not like I even over ate pizza. I had 2 pieces at lunch with a salad and then 2 pieces at dinner and last night and even into this morning I felt miserable. I don't know if it was from the grease, the salt of the 2.6 pounds of water weight that I gained over night (which I totally blame the pizza for) but my belly still isn't happy. I'm hoping that the broccoli-tofu stir fry that I have for lunch will help settle it. It just seems crazy to me how fast your body adjusts to eating relatively well and rebels when you eat too much junk. Don't get me wrong, the pizza tasted delicious and I plan to eat the remaining half pizza that's currently living in my freezer but I think I'll stick to a single meal instead of having it twice in one day.

Whoa moment number 5: I was in the grocery store yesterday and had to buy cat litter. The litter I like comes in a 25-pound box and of course the last box was on the way bottom shelf all of the way to the back. By the time I got it out and then into my cart I was thinking to myself 'holy hell that was a lot of work.' Then it hit me that I've lost 2.5 boxes of litter. No friggen wonder I never had energy and couldn't get into a walk/run program 63 pounds ago. I can't imagine strapping 2.5 boxes of cat litter on and then going for a walk let alone a jog. Mind boggling, I tell ya!

Well, I think that's all of the whoa moments that I have for you today. I hope that you all have a wonderful week and enjoy some beautiful summer weather!


LeAnn said...

Whoa Nelly! LoL. What's up with our sleeping issues? I remember being a kid/teenager and sleeping like a baby pretty much every night. It seems like there is much more of a reason to sleep better/harder when you're an adult, so why can't we?

Reading your whoa moment #1 was like reading a short story. I was intrigued. Unfortunately, it wasn't necessarily a happy ending. It's amazing how strong those last moments are on your subconscious/conscious. I'm glad you overcame it, but still it's heart-breaking. Holy smokes about Karla - I can understand the inconvenient timing. Will it affect her wedding dress? I don't know about tofu; I can't stay I'm jumping up and down to try it. I'll take your word for it, for now anyways. I guess your body was telling you that too much unhealthy food in one day is a no-no. Maybe it'll help you from over-indulging. Your whoa moment #5 reminds me of something on one of those weight loss shows. The contestants had to do some physical activity while carrying the equivalent weight of how much fat was on their body. That was really hard to explain, but I hope it made sense. Anyway, congrats on losing cat litter or however you want to think of it.

Thanks for the whoa-moments. LoL. Hope your week is going well!

project.100.gone said...

I was also intrigued about your pool situation and saddened when you revealed the source of your aversion. The restaurant HuHot actually makes me think of you constantly when we go to it or drive by it. I got your voicemail about your Mom's surgical situation (while you were driving back to Iowa) when we were there. It's amazing how our mind links places, things, etc to events in life.

Congrats for your sister! They certainly have a busy year ahead of them.

I've only had tofu a couple times but did not enjoy it. I'll leave it at that.