Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Hey all:

Sadly it's 12:15am and I'm wide awake. After today's activities, I fell asleep at 7pm. I woke up at 11:00 due to the lack of AC. It must have shut off for an extended period of time because I woke up warm and sweaty. Today was the first day of Summer Youth Fitness. I spread out the prep work nicely. I only had a few things to do this morning prior to the controlled chaos. Hopefully the freeze pops that I put in the freezer are frozen tomorrow so the kids can get a treat since once again it's supposed to be in the mid 90s with an incredible heat index.

I was amazed how well the first part of the program went...we are establishing a routine that has the kids and parents meet in a large gym. Each group of kids meets in an area of the gym. It worked nicely...my only distractor was families handing me checks and paperwork. I've already misplaced one check this month so it made me leery collecting all that stuff at once.

I borrowed and bought some buckets so we can do water activities oustide. Also bought 1500 water balloons so groups could do games with those. The repairs for the pool have been approved too! They tentatively think the pool will be usable by July 5th. I'm not holding my breath on that one. I'm just happy that we will possibly have swim lessons in July at some point.

I was exhausted by 5pm but I had a nice level of energy throughout the afternoon. I think I had a lot of adreneline pulsing through my body too since I was all stressed about the first day. I'm hoping my energy levels remain high each afternoon so I can successfully bop around and check on each group and help when needed. We only had one discipline issues today (which surprised me for it being the first day). The parents weren't pleased that their child was causing issues so early in the program.

I got a nice look at the pictures that Nicole posted during her trip to Iowa. The bachelorette party looked fun! How can an event like that not be fun if it include Play-Doh penises and an inflatible penis? I'm assuming your time went fast but looks like you had a lot of time with family and friends. I'm sad we couldn't see each other but I was fortunate to see you earlier in the year. Surprisingly I was able to see Tiffany the other night. I stopped by her brother's house in Waukee for about an hour to chit chat.

I'm sure you'll be reading a lot of blogs in the upcoming 2 months that include Summer Youth Fitness updates. It's so exciting to be a director of a program and this will be a great avenue to vent about challenges or boast about successes. Hopefully it doesn't get too sickening.


LeAnn said...

Your sleeping patterns are ridiculous. However, I can't talk as I have fallen into a bad routine. I think karma was on your side with the whole summer program, not that you aren't a good director. Water balloons was a good idea - it's an active activity that most kids love. It should help with the heat and lack of pool issue. Freezer pops aren't bad either.

It's amazing what adrenaline can do, but I don't think it'll keep you going every day. It's too bad you couldn't see Nicole, but alas, schedules aren't always user-friendly. I'm sure she'll forgive you. As you said sort've, she looked rather busy. Anywho, I'll/we'll have to schedule my visit to Ames. Ta ta for now!

project.100.gone said...

Boo to sad sleeping...I don't know how you can do it. I must not be as good of a person as you because I would be a bear!

Water balloons...AMAZING!! Sorry you already had to deal with a discipline problem. I'm sure you're used to that with swim and gym though. I hope it's all smoothe sailing from here on out. Also, no worries about getting sickening. Please vent and boast whenever you need, that's what we're here for!

No worries either about not being able to see me while I was back. It would have been more perfect if I could have seen you but it was a crazy 11 days. I'll share more in my blog.