Friday, June 24, 2011

It's almost the weekend!!

TGIF! Not that it's been an overly taxing week but I always enjoy a good weekend! I don't have anything super fun planned, just a workout or two but I like being able to do what I want when I want!

The first week of summer has been a bit of a let down, truth be told. I'm ready for some warm and sunny weather. I got a nice start of a tan while I was home and haven't been able to add to it since. Drat this rainy weather! On the plus side, being forced to remain indoors has afforded me the time to finish a book and get caught up on some movie watching.

I've had a few Netflix chick flicks hanging around for a while and over the last week and a half finally got to watch them. I have to admit I felt fairly meh about all three. It's not that any of them were overtly bad movies, I just didn't really get into them as much as I thought I might. The first movie I watched was called 'Blind Dating' and the only reason I got it was because Chris Pine played the main guy and let's face it...he's hot! The movie was really not great and I won't tell you to not see it but I'm also not going to say you should.

'Morning Glory' starring Rachel McAdams and Patrick Wilson was a decent chick flick. The romance side of things wasn't a huge part of the plot so much as her tendency to overwork. It was from the makers of 'The Devil Wears Prada' and if you've seen that movie then you'll have a good idea of how this plays out. It was enjoyable enough that I didn't mind watching it but I'll probably never watch it again. The same goes for 'Love and Other Drugs.' I actually had really high hopes for this movie and again, walked away feeling like it wasn't what I wanted. The movie wasn't bad per se but I remember as I watched it thinking that it was quite long and that much of it was just filler. Also, I couldn't help but wonder if Anne Hathaway took her role simply to break away even further from her princess persona. I honestly think she was naked more than she was clothed in this movie. Anyway, it's alright and you could probably see it if you wanted to.

While I have luke warm feelings about the movies I've watch, I have very positive feelings about the book I just finished. The novel is called 'The Messenger' and it's by Jan Burke who is one of my favorite authors. She writes a mystery thriller series, which just released it's latest book this week, but this is a stand alone novel. It's more paranormal than her previous work but I really liked it. My only complaint is that I feel like she rushed the ending, otherwise it was a great read about a man who can hear and convey the final thoughts of dying men and women. He's also immortal which makes it very hard to connect to people therefore he leads a very lonely life. It was a good book and I would recommend it if you like a bit of mystery.

The only other news is that I've finished the second week of the C25k program which might not seem like a lot but it's the furthest I've ever made it in a walk to run program. It hasn't been that challenging, this week was only 1.5 minute run intervals and I'm going at a pretty slow pace, but I'm proud of my accomplishments. I've been a little frustrated in the weight loss category lately. I feel like I've been losing and gaining the same 1.6 pounds again and again for the last 2 weeks. I'm still down almost 6-8 pounds from where I was a month ago but it's driving me crazy. Even after all this time it's hard to not let my self pity run away with me and do some damage with crappy eating. I just need to remember how far I've come and that it's not a race to accomplish my goals. It will happen, it just takes time. Damn me and my lack of patience!!!

Alright, I think that's it. Have a great weekend ladies!

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

I read this on Friday or Saturday, and I'm finally commenting. Every day feels like TGIF, sorry for bragging, lol. I roll with whatever weather we get. The only reason I like rainy weather in the summer is it sometimes means: cooler temps (which can be a relief sometimes) and/or thunderstorms!

I haven't heard of Blind Dating, so I think I'll just remain ignorant of it. Morning Glory does ring a bell, but I don't foresee myself watching it. However, Love and Other Drugs was one I have been wanting to see since it came out in theaters. It did seem like it would have plenty of nudity in it. Anne Hathaway really does take some odd roles. You see her boobs in Brokeback Mountain, she's playing Cat Woman in the upcoming Batman movie, and I just saw a preview for a movie where she is a Scottish woman (however, that preview looked really good). I guess you can call her versatile.

The book you mentioned sounds familiar, but I'm not sure it's my cup of tea. I can't really say that because everything seems to be my cup of tea. Your current weight loss issue doesn't seem so bad at all. I would say it's normal. I'm sure that's what the norm is for those who don't have to worry about weight. They might go up 1-3 pounds, but then they lose it eventually. I wouldn't put too much stress on it.

Thanks for the share!