Wednesday, June 8, 2011

And I'm back...

Howdy folks! I have to start out by saying that I'm not totally thrilled to be back in Michigan. I did enjoy sleeping in my own bed last night and it was nice to see Willow but it's sad when my bed and cat are the things I miss most in the entire state of Michigan. Oh well, Sheena was really happy to see me today so that's nice!

OK...just a warning, this might be long, there's just so much to share!

I had an absolutely amazing time in Iowa/Minnesota. It was so hard to make myself leave. I wish I would have had more time to spend with friends but I got in a lot of good family time and I never feel like I get to see them enough.

Memorial Day weekend was amazing. Kayaking was awesome and nobody ended up dumping their kayaks (Kevin almost did as he was getting in the water but he saved it at the last minute)! I did miss the bank when I was trying to get out of the river and had it not been for Ben I might have been washed much further downstream than I wanted but he saved hero! We were on the water for about 3 hours and it was a perfect day with bright sunshine and warm temps. I even managed to start a nice tan that I cultivated over my trip.

That Sunday was a BBQ at Amanda's just outside of Austin. I was a good time, as most drinking events with my friends are, even though everybody stayed full clothed this time. I guess we only strip when Jenny's around. There was a weird vibe between Kevin and myself, which is no uncommon when he starts to drink. He gets very touchy feely when he drinks and spent the greater part of the night glued to my side. Of course, when everybody was sober the next morning he maintained a comfortable distance, which is also normal. I sometimes wonder about that boy. Oh well, I can't get hung up on a boy who's only interested in me when he's drinking. I am way to good for that!

Memorial Day brought the start of my week with the kids. I had so much fun with them I can't even begin to explain. I only took the 3 older kids, I don't think Brooklyn would have done well without her mommy and daddy for a whole week, and it was a crazy fun and exhausting week. We had picnics, walked/rode bikes to the cemetery to visit grandma (it's literally .5 miles from the house), went to the park to play on the toys and see the animals (at Fontana), went fishing, watched movies, played in the sprinkler, went swimming in the creek behind the house etc. We didn't even get everything in that we wanted to before the week ended. I also bought them a book to read before bed each night. I got a Roald Dahl classic, 'The Twits.' The kids absolutely loved it. I don't know who had it harder on Sunday when they went home and I went to Waterloo with Karla. I was very sad to see them go but they didn't want Aunt Coley to leave either. In fact, after having said good-bye to Hailee 3 times, I got a frantic call from my brother when we were both on the road. He was mad because he couldn't believe I left without saying good-bye to her and she was sobbing in the back. I told her good-bye again and promised that I would stop in and see her once more before I left. Fortunately Karla and I were heading by Charles City on Monday because her wedding dress was in. I got a few more calls from her before I left but I think she's good now.

I could go on and on about the shower and the bachelorette party but I feel like I'm working on a novel here and let's face it, the pictures pretty much tell the story. It was an amazing day. There were a few tears shed at the shower when Karla opened a gift that my grandpa picked out from my late grandma's collection of dishes and when she opened her pearls. Other than those few moments the day as full of joy and happiness. The bachelorette party was fantastic right up until Cody got pulled over downtown Oelwein. He was a DD so that was fine but the cop was a jack ass and it put a damper on the evening after that. We still managed to have a good night and Karla had an amazing and memorable time!

I had fun right up until the end. On Monday, my last day at home, I went with Karla to try on her wedding dress! It fit pretty well, they might not have to make any alterations at all! Later that night she and Justin took me out for Mexican in Waterloo and we saw the new Pirates movie. I enjoyed it and felt that it was thoroughly entertaining. There was one storyline I don't think they wrapped up well but other than that I have no major complaints. It's pretty cool in 3D so if you like the Pirates movies I would recommend seeing it in the theater, however it could definitely wait for home viewing.

Well, I think that's it, you're all updated. I guess the only thing I didn't mention is that I didn't do any damage to my weight loss while I was away. I thought for sure I would have put on some weight because there were a few days of questionable eating (especially with the shower and bachelorette party...alcohol is bad) and I was a bit scared to step on the scale this morning but I actually lost 0.7pounds over the last 11 days!! I guess chasing 3 kids around all week is a good way to maintain a weight loss regimen! I'm getting close to the 60 pound mark and I can't wait!!

OK, have a great rest of your week!


LeAnn said...

Wow. I'm jealous that you had such a great vacation. It makes me think that I take for granted my living close to family and friends. It's also saddening that Michigan doesn't hold nearly enough significance - that may not sound like I meant. I have always wondered if kayaking would be better than canoeing. I haven't had the best experience canoeing - plus it hurts the butt.

You seem to have such a close relationship with your family, which makes me envious. You have a rather large family too. The week with the kids sounds great. You seemed to have quite a bit of fun with your friends. That Kevin sounds like a puzzle.

The bachelorette party sounds fun. I haven't seen pictures yet, so I'll take your word. I'm not surprised that Karla enjoyed your gift. That's awesome that your vacation had zero impact on your weight loss. It sounds like an awesome time away with many good memories. Welcome back . . . even though you aren't convincingly happy to be back.

gavsmom said...

Just wanted to leave my note even though we sort of discussed your blog entry via chat the other night.

You have intrigued me about kayaking. Both canoes and kayaks scare me a bit because I don't like flipping over in water when I'm not mentally prepared for it. But now I want to give kayaking a whirl.

I cannot say I'm shocked that Kevin got chummy with you. It really is too bad that it occurs when only alcohol is present. I'm sorry there wasn't nudity...I guess I'll try harder to attend so there is more stripping next time.

I did some snooping on Facebook and saw pictures of the kids and their adventures. Can you really call it snooping though? I didn't realize your Mom's gravesite was so close to their home. I bet that brings a lot of comfort to your family since they can easily go and visit her.

project.100.gone said...

I think for some people it might be weird to be so close to the cemetery but I really like the fact that all I have to do is walk a half mile down the gravel road and she's's very nice!