Monday, February 7, 2011

Super Sunday!

Happy Monday ladies! I hope that you all had a wonderful weekend and that you had a chance to enjoy a little bit of rest and relaxation. I had a good weekend which culminated in the Super Bowl last night. I have to admit, I went into the game hoping for a Packers victory (gotta support the NFC North), but I was really glad when the Steelers got back into the game. I always hate a landslide victory in a big game like the Super Bowl. There was certainly no lack of suspense in the big game this year! I hope for many more like it in the years to come. I was sort of hoping for a Steelers TD and 2 packer field goals in the 4th quarter (I would have won $105 in the work SB squares) but I'm OK losing $5.

Of course, more people are talking about the commercials today than the game itself. I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the commercials this year. I feel like there was an improvement in the overall quality. I think my favorite commercial was the Chrysler 200 with Eminem. It was quite moving for a Super Bowl commercial. I also really liked the woodchuck commercial, which I only saw because Sheena showed it to me this morning. Apparently I missed it last night. It was fantastic. My bronze choice selection would have to be the Volkswagen Darth Vader commercial. I'm always a sucker for cute kids. The back story is even better considering the 6 year old who played little Darth is a congenital heart patient with a pacemaker.

On the other end of the spectrum were the Doritos commercials...the guy sucking the other guys cheese fingers was creepy. I found the Groupon commercial about Tibet to be of incredibly poor taste. I couldn't even believe they went there when I was watching it. The things some people find entertaining surprises me.

I watched Christina sing the national anthem, apparently I wasn't paying attention because I didn't notice the goof. I also watched the half-time show. I was glad that it was the first culturally relevant half-time act since Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake. I will admit to getting a little teary-eyed watching it. My mom LOVED the Black Eyed Peas (I know, how random) and, while the vocals were a bit sketchy, the atmosphere was fun and I think my mom would have really enjoyed it. I thought Slash did amazing but Fergie, with all of her talent cannot sing Sweet Child of Mine.

All in all, it was an entertaining night and I enjoyed it thoroughly. I decided to splurge and ordered Jimmy John's for dinner last night...they make a rocken' good tuna sub. I'm glad that I had a good work out yesterday morning because while they're tasty they are a helluva lot of calories.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed the game (I'm sorry your guys lost Jenny) and had a great time. Have a fantastic week!


project.100.gone said...

I actually could tell by the end of the first quarter that the Steelers weren't in the game to win it. Disappointing but still a decent game to watch.

I wasn't horribly impressed by the commericals. The Doritos commerical did creep me out...yikes. The beaver commerical was cute. Eminem was actually in two commericals this year. He's just a Superbowl whore this year.

I didn't catch the goof-up with the National Anthem either. We actually put it on mute because her personal touch on the song was not making my ears happy.

All the organization for the Black Eyed Peas was nifty. I liked the set-up but they are certainly getting a lot of grief today about their performance. I don't think they'll ever be happy about a Superbowl halftime act again. Either someone is ripping off someone's clothing, the sound sucks, something is too overdone, etc. etc.

LeAnn said...

For not being able to fall asleep last night and it being a Monday, today turned out okay. The weekend was so quick. Jenny and I were both quite busy on Saturday. I had to be up at 5:30 am, so sleeping in could not happen. Sleeping in is like awesome to me, so it really sucked not being able to do so. I tried to get stuff done yesterday since it was already Sunday and I had the apartment to myself. I didn't watch the Super Bowl or the commercials. I checked in every once in awhile to see scores and the half-time show. I wasn't impressed my Christina Aguilera's singing. I wasn't impressed by the half-time show either. Sorry. I've heard and seen that the Black-Eyed Peas aren't so good live. I think that's why they brought in the additional help - Usher, Slash, etc. They're entertaining, but their singing isn't as top notch as it should be.
I'm starving right now, so your tuna sub sounds delish! It's so disappointing that tuna subs are some of the more unhealthy choices, because tuna is so good for you. Have a good rest of your day!