Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Research Study Update

I went in yesterday for baseline data collection in the weight loss study I signed up for last week. Some of the information was alarming yet informative. I'll start off with a good surprise. My blood pressure was great. The surveys I filled out about my motivation and family/friend support were also promising.

Onto the not-so-good information...my body fat % sucks. So does my BMI. My weight hasn't changed in months....more than 6 months at that but it's still way too high of course.

I didn't go into this study thinking I'd get healthy results but the numbers were surprising. I'm still waiting to find out about my bloodwork. My bloodwork will officially decide if I'm eligble for the study. I know my blood pressure has definitely kept me in the running. They are checking my fasting glucose, cholesterol, and triglycerides. My triglycerides worry me but I think I'll still be in the participatory range.

They had a tough time getting a blood sample from me. They have a "two poke" protocol and neither arm wanted to cooperate. The tech even tried a vein in my hand. We then resorted to Plan B and I was taken to the hospital so a technician could draw my blood in that setting. They found a vein immediately and it was no problem. I think my fear and apprehension affected the tech at ISU so he was anxious about drawing my blood. They need to draw it again in 8 weeks so hopefully my blood vessels cooperate better then.

I am excited to get back on the treadmill and work periods of regular physical activity into my lifestyle. Jon officially purchased a seated eliptical for his home. It's primarily for his physical therapy but I hope to try it out for cardio work. He originally wanted to buy a exercise bike but was swayed by the new style of elipitcal. I hate the standing type so hopefully the seated version agrees with my coordination.

That's all I have for now....


project.100.gone said...

I am very happy to hear that your blood pressure is good. I feel like keeping that down is hard so good on you! When I started using loseit.com they have you put in your height and weight...my BMI is scary. It's definitely motivation when you start looking at a bad BMI.

I'm sorry that they had to poke you so many times. I forget, are you a bit needle shy? Glad the professionals got you good!

I'm happy you're looking forward to some good physical activity. Just remember, start off slow and steady. If you kill your hammies the first day out you won't want to keep up with it.

LeAnn said...

I should know more about these different aspects of blood-testing. I should know more about the body-fat testing too. I don't know much about the different tests, what they test exactly, what the outcomes mean, etc. I haven't had any bloodwork done that I know of. I probably won't until some doctors suggests it. I don't look forward to the needle stuff.

I'm curious about the seated-elliptical machine will work out for you and Jon. I like elliptical machines. It'll be a goal of mine to get one some day. I can justify buying one for at least two years probably.