Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Happy white and fluffy Wednesday all! I am happy to report that we've received the majority of the snow that snowmageddon is going to be dropping on us...yes, people around here are actually calling this storm snowmageddon, snowzilla and the snowpocalypse :) Monday evening through Tuesday a.m. we got about 2 inches of snow and then a small reprieve before we got dumped on. I'm happy to report that instead of the 12-18 inches that were predicted, we only got 6 over night. Thank God! I was up early today, hoping to be out of my apartment as soon as they plowed through the complex, and there is still the possibility of another 1-3 inches throughout the day today but by tonight it should be dry, cold but dry. I'm really looking forward to the dry, but cold weather. My drive to work today was a little dicey in some spots but once they catch up on plowing it should be OK. A lot of people from back home have been posting pictures and statuses on Facebook and it looks like it's pretty miserable there as well. I normally enjoy the winter and snow but this year I feel like spring won't get here fast enough. On a happier note, for those believers out there, the groundhog saw no shadow so we only have six more weeks of winter...right?!?!

I'm really starting to wish that I had enough PTO to have called in today. There is literally nothing to do. It's odd how people don't want to come in to the doctors when they get dumped on by snow. I had the majority of my work done by 10:00 this morning. I feel really bad sitting here doing nothing but I don't really have any other options. To be frank, I don't actually feel that bad to be sitting here doing nothing. While all of the other managers were going around telling their employees to be safe and not come in if they couldn't, our boss came around and told us that we were all expected to be here. It's his fault that we have a full staff of 4 for 3 patients today. At least I get to catch up on my blogging! I think I'll take a little of my free time and work on some plans for my sister's bridal shower. It's still 4 months away but I figure it's going to arrive faster than I'm expecting. I think I have the guest list finalized and I've picked out the paper for the invites. Now I need to work on the wording, after all it has to be approved by my step-mom (rolls eyes), and that could take a few edits and I need to think about the menu. We're doing an open house from 10:30 to 1:00 and I was thinking finger foods for the win! Karla and Tasha went to a bridal show in Independence this weekend and Kathy's Kakes had samples. We're not fond of her cake because she uses fondant which is really gross (not just hers but all fondant), however I guess she had these chocolate covered cheesecake bites that were amazing. Tasha really wants to get them for the party, they're a little on the spendy side but if we keep our cost down on other things it shouldn't be an issue. I really want to make cake bites which are so amazing but really cheap. I guess I'll have to see what Shirley thinks...

Now that I'm writing about this, I actually have a question for you. I'm polling as many people as I can. What are your thoughts on bridal shower games: good, bad or the devil? If you feel strongly that there should be some, any ideas for good ones? I'm leaning towards not having any but I know some people feel that they're essential. Now, bachelorette party games are a must. I'm open to suggestions for those as well!

OK, I think I'm done rambling. I hope all is well and that you're enjoying any time off that you might be getting. Have a great week and stay safe!


LeAnn said...

You beat me to the punch. I plan on blogging yet today too. I have no idea the actual numbers on our snow accumulation, but it was enough to cause problems. We are on snow day #2 with a late start already called for tomorrow. I feel quite lucky to be a teacher in this bad weather. We get snow days. Finally a perk!

I do not have a lot of experience with bridal showers; it's quite pathetic. Personally, if I were the bride, I think it'd be fun to reminiscence about old times, old boyfriends, etc. It's a fun, girl thing to laugh at the memories. You could always have people write down memories and then pull them from a hat or something, you know. For some reason, I am usually anti-games at baby or bridal showers. It might be just me though. Those cheesecake bites sounds yummy.

project.100.gone said...

Howdy!! I am a slow poke...I meant to comment on this yesterday but didn't get around to it.

Bridal shower games...unlike LeAnn I like a good bridal shower game or two. I wouldn't call it a game but I've participated in some fun activities that kept things interesting.

For example: throughout a bridal shower....guests had to bring one item for the bride's "marriage survival kit". Some people bring practical things...a bottle of wine for example for romance. Other's bring cute things like chili pepper to keep things hot. Or a spatula to "smooth things over" after an argument. Obviously things can get corny. Some people get ballsy though and bring KY for when "there is friction in the relationship"

I've seen the contests where people try to create wedding dresses with toilet paper.

I'll keep my thinking cap on for this one....