Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Random thoughts on a Wednesday

Happy Wednesday all. The week is at that halfway point and it hasn't been to shabby. I want to blog but I don't have the brain power to sit down and write a nice long entry so here are some random thoughts for you on this fine winters day.

-I'm going to be an aunt again in August! My step-sister Crystal (on my dad's side) and her husband Charles are expecting their first. It's always exciting to have new babies in the family and I know they've been trying for quite some time.

-I talked to my cousin Wade this morning. It sounds like he's doing well. He's still in the hospital and will be away from his base for about 4 more weeks while he's healing. After that, he'll be on light duty for 2 weeks. If all checks out at that point he'll be back to work.

-I'm almost finished with The Monk Downstairs and it's been a good read so far. I'm surprised by how long it's taken me to read it, it's a fairly short book, but it's quite enjoyable. It's perfect timing too because two of my favorite authors have new books coming out next week.

-I'm leaving work early next Wednesday because Kim Harrison is going to be on tour with her new book and she's going to be in Ann Arbor! I've never been to a book signing before and I'm fairly ecstatic!

-I think I'm going to get a Sam's club membership. I feel like it will be helpful while I'm planning for Karla's there are some really good deals that I wouldn't mind taking advantage of.

-I've really taken a liking to Cliff bars. If you're unfamiliar they are your standard health bar. Cliff has a line of bars (Luna) that are geared towards women that have a higher amount of iron and calcium in them. However, they make a z bar too, which I tried yesterday, that is intended for kids. They're just as healthy but taste even better! I love tasty stuff that is good for me too!

-I'm really digging this nice weather we've been having. However, walking outside in the dark is a little dangerous right now because of the ice patches. Note to self, walk very carefully.

-My step dad asked Tasha's mom out on a date! I don't know if she's decided yet but this is very exciting! It's kind of funny watching Bob try to date. I've kind of been hoping for this for a while and in a perfect world it would work out. I guess we shall see.

-In less than a month I have a fantastic friend flying to Michigan to see me! I can't wait...I better start cleaning now!

OK, that's enough randomness. I could keep going but I think I'll stop. I hope you have a great day and splendid rest of the week!


project.100.gone said...

So what is The Monk Downstairs about? I'm always eager to read a good book. I'm not familiar with Kim Harrison either.

I've really enjoyed our Sam's Club membership. I had one years ago and got rid of it because I was buying absolute crap with it. Jon and I got one last year (end of summer I think). It helps me buy snacks for Gavin. We also like to buy water and Propel there too. Not to mention cheaper dog food for Memphis. I wish I had a deep freeze because I'd buy meat there too if I had the space to store it.

I'm really surprised about Bob trying to date already!!

I always like to hear when I'm fantastic...hehe. I'm anxious for a nice break away from work and parenting (no offense Gavin). It's always nice to have periods of time when I can just worry about myself.

LeAnn said...

Happy Wednesday indeed. It hasn't been too bad. I think Thursday and Friday will go quickly, which is good. Your family confuses me (no offense), you seem to have quite a bit of extension with your step-relatives.

What two books/authors are coming out next week? I don't keep up with books coming out. There aren't many advertisements for them. Movies are a lot easier to keep up with due to the previews and advertisements. Who is Kim Harrison? Should I know her?

I haven't heard of Cliff bars. Being that I am poor and there is no Sam's Club around here, I won't be getting a membership until later in life.

This morning there were slippery spots on my sidewalk. I almost biffed it. The warmer temps should help. It's funny how temperatures in the 30s and 40s make us so happy when they make us unhappy in October, November and December.

You're excited for your upcoming visitor, and I am excited for the week of spring break.

Nicole said...

The Monk Downstairs is a random book about a man who leavs a monestary and movies into the downstairs apartment of a single mother. The book describes their budding relationship.

Kim Harrison is an author who writes a series I like. She's a fantasy writer but I feel that she writes fantasy that anybody could enjoy (not just the uber geeks). She has a book out next week, the 8th in this series. The other author is Jan Burke who writes predominantly mystery. She has a great series but this is a stand alone novel that's finally coming out in paperback. I can't wait.

I'm glad Bob is getting back into things. He's been very lonely and it makes me sad to think of that. He's been hesitant because he wants to make sure he's getting involved with people who will fit into and accept the complexity of our family...which Leann, you are very correct in your assessment, that my family is confusing. I guess that's what happens when you have two blended families with 6 kids on each side. Imagine if Bob marries someone with many'll get even crazier! That's actually part of the reason I love the Diane idea, Tasha's her only child and she's already part of the family! :)