Friday, February 18, 2011

Mhealthy + ActiveU = $100

TGIF!! What an amazing morning...well, mostly. When I woke up this morning for my workout I couldn't figure out why I was already sweating. That is, until I checked the thermostat in my apartment and it was 67 degrees. Now, under normal circumstances 67 isn't overly warm but I prefer my sleeping environment to be a balmy 64 degrees. I can't believe how warm is stayed overnight. When I stepped out the front door is was gorgeous. The over night rain had stopped, it was smidgen over 50 degrees and it smelled like spring! I know winter is not gone, it's probably going to rear it's ugly head this weekend but for now, I'm going to enjoy this! I even decided to turn the heat off and open the windows this morning. Sure, it'll be a bit chilly when I get home but it's going to smell so good!

Sadly my morning took a bit of a nosedive when I got to work. I'm in the Holter lab today and when I walked into the room there was a giant cockroach, belly up on the floor. Yes, it was dead this time as opposed to crawling up the inside of my pant leg but it's still gives me the heebee-jeebees. I'm not the biggest chicken in the world but when I'm face to face with a big roach I get all squeamish. Apparently you're not supposed to squish them because it can spread the eggs but that meant I had to deal with it without knowing if it was truly dead. Well, 1 Styrofoam cup with lid, 1 plastic fork and a lot of squirming later (me, not the was dead) I got that sucker and threw him out. I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that I didn't throw him in my garbage though. I walked him out of the clinic and threw him in one of the big public garbage cans. Those bags get changed more often than mine and that way he won't be in the room with me all day. I called pest control and they'll come in and spray over the weekend, which is good, but I have a feeling all day I'm going to imagine fictitious bugs crawling up my leg...ewww.

Anyway, on to other things. I am happy to report that I have enrolled for the Mhealthy/Active U program here at U of M. This program is sort of like Live Healthy Iowa in the sense that you enroll, you can form teams and you work to improve your health and well being by making changes in your life. It not only applies to people who are looking to change diet and exercise but they also have options for nicotine dependence, stress management, disease management, alcohol dependence and even back pain management. The best part is that there is a financial incentive for people to participate in the this program, unlike something like Live Healthy Iowa where you have to pay a fee, this program is free. I will also get $100 if I complete both parts of the Mhealthy experience. For the first $50 all I had to do was complete a personal health questionnaire. It took all of 10 minutes and was a pretty easy $50. The second requirement is to complete one of the many wellness activities that the university sponsors. There is an incredibly long page of options for this. Some of them are free, some have fees. Some of them are done in person, some via telephone or Internet. Some can be done individually and some need to be done by a team. It's great because there really are a ton of options available.

After reading through all of my options I decided to enroll in 2 programs. I have joined my departments Active U team, The Heart Beats, and have started to use the online weight loss program that they have. For The Heart Beats I just have to be physically active and log my minutes and any weight lost. That's easy enough. For the weight loss program, I have to keep a food journal, an activity journal and check 4 or 5 things off of a to-do list each week. It's only 12 weeks and I'm basically doing that on loseit so that shouldn't really be an issue. I figure the extra logging is way worth the $50, not to mention I get a free t-shirt and access to many articles, facts, recipes and other helpful things that will further me on my road to better health.

Anyway, that's all I really have for now. I hope you all have a wonderful Friday and a great weekend!

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

I'm jealous that your program is no-fee and pays you! You are already doing a fabulous job at the weight loss and healthy routine. I would imagine that this program will be completely doable for you.

The weather has been teasingly great. I've been opening the windows in my classroom, because are heaters are still running, so it gets too warm. The air definitely has that spring smell. It can brighten anyone's mood.

I don't ever want to come across a cockroach. I think I might honestly have a heart attack. I've been able to deal with spiders, cave crickets, shrews, mice, etc. But somehow, I don't think I can conquer cockroaches. Yuck!

Have a good weekend too!