Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Hey Ladies:

I feel a cold coming on...or maybe it's already come since my throat is sore and I'm all sniffly. I'm not feeling super motivated therefore I haven't touched the work I brought home this afternoon. I came home early since Ames dismissed schools at 1:30pm due to the splendid weather. Sadly I had to cancel Swim & Gym too since the last thing I wanted was families on the road trying to get to ISU to play. I'm wondering how tomorrow will play out...DMACC closed down today and Jon thinks they might alter their schedule tomorrow too. ISU even shut down tonight and canceled evening classes.

I had my first vehicle-related incident last night due to the snow. We came back to the apartment after basketball practice and I slowly...SLOWLY...turned onto 4th street. Before I knew it I spun around almost 360 degrees. Fortunately the car behind me stayed a good distance away and I didn't smack into the Cyride bus coming toward me in the opposite direction. I hate that things like that occur even when you're being cautious.

Sadly my exercise and diet are not improving. It really sucks that the new year begins in the winter...I want to be outside doing things. Going outside increases the risk of busting my ass on ice. I haven't gotten to a Weight Watcher's meeting yet. I appreciate their numerous meeting days/times but they aren't jiving with my schedule. I had hoped to attend the meeting at 12:15pm on Thursdays. I finish teaching a class at noon and I don't have time to change my clothes (it's an aquatic class), walk to my car, and drive to the center of Ames. Monday nights stink because of Gavin's basketball practice and I often work at the Red Cross on Monday evenings. I did some investigating though and found the location of the Weight Watcher meetings in Ankeny. Oddly enough, they aren't centralized. They are in a conference room at a hotel outside the city.

I hope everyone is staying warm and healthy!


project.100.gone said...

I'm glad you were able to cancel swim and gym. I know you hate cancelling but it's best to just stay in when the weather gets ugly.

I'm very glad to hear that your spin-out didn't result in an accident. That's the worst thing about this weather, even when you're being careful things can happen. I guess all we can do is try and be safe.

I'm sorry that you haven't had the motivation to get into the exercise and diet thing. This is such a terrible time of year for that. All I find myself wanting to do at night is stay inside where it's warm and do nothing. If I didn't get up in the mornings I garauntee I wouldn't be working out either. I do hope that you'll be able to find some time for your WW meetings. Good call looking in Ankeny.

Stay safe!

LeAnn said...

At least you made a decision, some people seem to be unable to make decisions based on the weather. Those type of car incidents get my heart racing. I'm glad yours turned out relatively well.

I'm with you about the exercise and dieting. I put all my time and effort into teaching. I am trying to do it all though. I went to the wellness center today though. I am definitely taking baby steps. I did a lot better last year so I am somewhat ashamed.

We've had two snow days, and we have a late start tomorrow, which surprised me. Did any of this down time help you to rest and feel better? Maybe a couple WW meetings will make you feel better, mentally of course.

Drive safe and feel better. I don't want you pussing out on your trip to Waukon.