Wednesday, November 10, 2010

News from Afghanistan and really bad hummus

Happy Wednesday all. I'm sitting in here letting my lunch digest a bit and thought I'd jot down a few things. First, I am loving this whole fall back thing for daylight savings. Yes, it's dark at night when I leave work and I get sleepy earlier but it's helping me to wake earlier and stay motivated for and be faithful to my 5 a.m. workouts. It's been really quite beautiful these last few mornings with the sun coming up, frost on the grass and lots of fog billowing about. I also have to say that I'm really enjoying the luxury of having a garage now...NO MORE SCRAPING!!! With the temps hitting the 60s each day this week it's hard to believe that it's almost the middle of November. I was looking at my calendar this morning before work and Thanksgiving is only two weeks away, which means that in 14 days Jessica will be at my place for her first visit to Michigan!!

I am so looking forward to her trip out here. Since I've moved to Michigan she and I haven't had a chance to just send time with the two of us so this bonding time is long overdue. Not only am I super excited to see Rishy but I am crazy excited to get to cook Thanksgiving dinner! Even though it's just the two of us we're going to have the whole feast: turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, stuffing, cranberries, rolls, pumpkin pie!!! I cannot wait. And, as an added bonus, because there will be so much food we won't have to cook the rest of the weekend! I'm going to have to make sure I work in a few extra workouts that week and weekend to help offset the over consumption of calories.

While I know that my Thanksgiving feast will turn out splendidly, I wish I could say the same thing for my many attempts at making hummus. I don't know if you've ever had hummus but it's a garlicky chickpea spread that is a staple in Mediterranean cuisine. I had never had it and then at a potluck here at work someone brought it in. I figured I'd try it and when I did it was so good. I've tried many store bought brands and haven't really cared for them so I thought I'd try to make some at home. Every time I have high hopes and every time they are dashed. I simply just do not like them. I don't know if my taster was off the day I had it and liked it so much or if I just can't recreate the hummus the chick at work made but it just doesn't work. I attempted to e-mail the girl and ask her for her recipe but she no longer works at the hospital so it's a no go. I'm sad but maybe I'm just not meant to eat hummus. I know, I know, if this is my big tragedy in life I really shouldn't be complaining :)

The last thing I want to share with you is some news from Afghanistan. I haven't had a chance to talk to him but Dean has been calling his wife and much as he can while he's over seas and he's had a chance to be on Facebook too (it's crazy how much war has changed). While this news is disheartening to Dean and his fellow soldiers it's making everybody back home rest a little more soundly. When Deans unit got to Afghanistan there was a special op that they needed more men for. It was an active duty very high risk type op. Dean and some of his fellow soldiers were selected. They were trained and then left for this mission. Two weeks in, they sent the most recently acquired soldiers back to their bases. Basically they had recruited too many bodies for this op. Dean was in the group cut. It's very hard for him because he feels like the time he's over there now is going to be a waste. It's very exciting for us as family members because he is a lot more safe now than he would have been. I love him and I'm so proud of him but I'm not going to say that a part of me doesn't love the fact that he's going to be doing less over there. Especially considering the fact that one of the Marine battalions that is stationed near him are doing something similar to what he would have been doing and they lost 9 soldiers in 4 days. I don't care what he does over there as long as he comes home to us. Anyway, if you could keep him, his fellow soldiers and especially the families of those who have been lost in your prayers I would greatly appreciate it!

Alright, my lunch is almost over. Have a great week!


LeAnn said...

I agree with you about Daylight Savings time. My evenings are shorter, but my mornings are better. I've been getting up between 5:30 and 6, which gives me more time to get ready and do extra stuff at school. I plan on continuing this routine. I'm jealous about your garage; I'm going to miss having a garage very badly I predict. I survived college without, so I hope I can survive this winter.

Your Thanksgiving sounds yummy. I'm glad you have someone to share it with. I haven't tried making hummus. However, I know someone that could give me a recipe. She's another teacher who made it for us over the summer (we had a class together) it was very good. I could ask her for the recipe and send it your way. It's worth a shot.

Sorry to hear about Dean. I have heard from a few soldiers about wanting action while overseas, so that they feel like they're doing something. However, friends and family at home are happy to hear when they aren't doing some dangerous or risky mission. For me, it's hard to believe the whole war is still going on. Thoughts and prayers going out to the soldiers, especially as we near the "family holidays."

Nicole said...

Sweet! I would love to try another recipe especially one that has been taste tested by someone I trust!

project.100.gone said...


Due to my screwy sleep patterns I haven't felt the full benefit of the Daylight Savings yet. I hope to feel the perks soon whether it be in the evening or in the morning.

I've had hummus only a couple times in my life and I think I enjoyed it. I'm glad LeAnn has a source for a recipe because I do not. Well wait...have you contacted Tiffany? Something tells me that Gregg might have a recipe.

I can understand your brother's frustration but I also understand the family's relief. I hope he realizes what an asset he is to the country even if he's not involved with horribly scary and risky events.