Tuesday, November 23, 2010

More Updates!

Hey everyone:

I'm taking a break from my disorganized night. I've been cleaning primarily since my apartment is driving me nuts. Fortunately we have Gavin's winter wardrobe out and ready for use. His winter coat from last year still fits! So do his snow boots!! Happy Day! We also spent some time on his closet so he's now a boy with hanging shirts that are less wrinkled. I've also been sorting through things on my desk. Next I need to sort through the Christmas gifts I've purchased since they've been haphazardly put in my closet over the past months. I'm scared I'll forget to wrap something and I'll find it in July next year.

After I deliver Gavin to school tomorrow morning, I'm going to head to Ankeny and help Jon prepare for his surgery. It's supposed to be a same day surgery (which still surprises me). I think I'd feel better if he spent at least one night in the hospital. I'm nervous about bringing him home because I have no idea how mobile (or conscious) he'll be. Both entries into his home have stairs so I'm sure it will be a challenge. Fortunately his boss is willing to come over and help if we need more manpower.

Jon's patella tendon ruptured in the middle instead of the insertion point so he's getting a new one...well technically it's a used one from a donor that has passed away. They anticipate a six month recovery and it will actually take a year to get him closer to "normal" function. I just hope his pain will be managed appropriately. I will be less available starting Monday because ISU will be back in session (as well as DMACC) but I should be able to go down many evenings and spend nights.

It's very frustrating that I can't help further. My personality is severely kicking in and causing frustration. In most parts of my life, I strive for perfection and to do my best. I feel like I'm not being the best girlfriend right now because I'm getting frustrated at times and my schedule and other responsiblities are not allowing me to give 100%. I'm just worried that I'll continue to feel frustrated during the next 6 months and that certainly won't help Jon's frame of mind. Sigh.

I just needed to vent. I'm also scared about invading Jon's parent's turf. I don't want the situation to cause any tension. Anywho....every day is a new day. Thanks for listening.


Nicole said...

Hang in there Jenny. It will all work out. It's not possible for you to be there every minute. You are an amazing girl friend. I hope all goes well today, I'm thinking about you guys.

LeAnn said...

We've talked on the phone and through email, so I don't have a whole lot extra to say. I read your blog, so yea . . . I hope Jon knows what he's thankful for this year.

P.S. I get to go help Dad at the church. See what you're missing!

P.S.S. How's your situation with sore muscles and such. The fibro-myalsia thingy. I know I screwed that spelling up, but I'm too lazy to care right now. But seriously, how's your health stuff?