Saturday, November 20, 2010

It's time for an update....

Well both you have made the commment that you've looked at this blog but not written entries often and I am in the same boat. I'm currently sitting at Jon's watching the last ISU football game of the season. Sadly we are losing so our bowl eligibility is going out the window.

The big news was Jon's major injury on Tuesday. He's still laid up and homebound. Sadly they weren't able to get him in for an MRI until Monday so we're still not exactly sure what is wrong with his knee, we just know it's bad. Surgery is expected but it's hard to say if they'll get him in for surgery before the holiday. My schedule is more flexible since ISU is closed next week for Thanksgiving Break so I'm able to come down here and help. Gavin and I have started spending the night here so I can help in the night and give his Mom and Dad a break too.

Work is going decently. My classes are on schedule and finals week will be here in 4 weeks. I still have one more meeting to plan for the teaching assistants (grad students) for the end of the semester. I'm also designing a structured meeting for them right before the next semester starts too. I signed up for extra Red Cross work in December that I know regret if I'm needed at Jon's. DMACC is DMACC. Student performance is disappointing but they are on the same schedule as ISU. I won't see those students again after 4 weeks. I teach the same class again in January but not in Ames. I'll have to commute to Ankeny.

My apartment is an absolute disster since I've been busy with work and Jon's new injury. I'm not where I want to be with Christmas shopping or decorating. I'm considering putting my tree up at Jon's house instead of my apartment.

Eating has been not under control or very healthy. My exercise levels are still below par too. I'll keep this one short since I need to leave soon Gavin will be done at the IMAX Theater. He went there with friends (who's mother was willing to get him in Ankeny on their way to Des Moines) so they are meeting me again at Culver's to drop him off with me.

Since I will be hanging around a lot indoors, I hope to post more entries next week!


Nicole said...

I'm so sorry that Jon is not feeling better. I hope that the results of the MRI are good. Have they indicated what they think it is? ACL, meniscus, something with the bone?!?! How frustrating. Is he getting workmans comp right now because he can't work?

I'm glad your classes are going well and starting to wind down. You could definitely use the winter break. Just hang in there and don't worry about your apartment being a disaster or anything else. If anybody cares they can take a flying're a busy woman. I think putting your tree up at Jon's is an excellent idea. It sounds like you'll be spending more time there than at home anyway.

Don't stress about the eating and exercise. You don't need any more stress right now. Just hang in there until things get less crazy and when the time is right you'll be able to make the changes you want.

If you need anything let me know.

LeAnn said...

It's too bad about Jon's knee. The timing is good and bad. At least you have this week off to be there for him, but it's too bad we won't be seeing you up north like previously thought. How are we to go gambling for your birthday now??

I chuckled when I read "Student performance is disappointing." I have the same problem. I'm starting to see why teaching is so unrewarding. I wouldn't worry about your apartment either. That's an easy fix. However, I can see how it would bother you, because it would drive me nuts. But it's more important to do well at work and be there for Jon. Your apartment isn't going anywhere.

The same goes for exercise. You can always come back to that. New Years isn't all that far away. You can set that as your goal time. You will get yourself organized and planned by January 1st, so that you can start the year off well. Just an idea. Did Gavin enjoy the movie? It's quite a bit darker than the previous ones, so I am curious if his age group could understand and enjoy it.

You'll have to let me know what the travel plans are or will be for the next month or so.