Tuesday, November 23, 2010

30...what a lovely number!

Hey ladies I just wanted to share a major milestone with you. I stepped on the scale this morning to get a pre-thanksgiving weight and was shocked to see that I had dropped 30.6 pounds!!! I am so freaking excited. I never quite made it to the 30 pound milestone the last time I was losing weight and I am thrilled. Sadly, I gained more weight back than I lost last time so I'm still not at the lightest I've been in the last 2 years but I'm getting close.

Anyway, I need to go. Have a great thanksgiving!!!


project.100.gone said...

Holy cow! I wish I would have read this before we chatted earlier tonight! I am very proud of you....you're making amazing progress. I hope you enjoy the great food you're going to make for the holiday :)

LeAnn said...

Thirty pounds is awesome. I haven't reached that yet. Looks like you'll be on a good path before the new year even gets here. Congrats!