Saturday, October 9, 2010

What a gorgeous day...

Happy Saturday morning all! What an absolutely spectacular day so far. The sun is bright, it's cool and breezy and me thinks it's going to turn into a lovely day! Don't get me wrong, I would prefer that once October sets in the day's highs are not over 65 but I think I can handle 73. I got up this morning and was lying in bed debating whether or not I should get up and workout. I hemmed and hawed for a while thinking, I can just do one of my weekday workouts and then thought, no I should go do more. When 8:00 rolled around I hauled my butt out of bed, got dressed, filled my water bottle and ventured to the mini-gym at the clubhouse. I am so glad I did!

I got in an excellent workout today...the treadmill told me I burned 456 calories and yes, I know those numbers aren't totally accurate but it still made me feel really good. I just did some flat, brisk walking, then spent 10 minutes walking up a hill and then did some jog-walking (you know, jog a little, walk a little). My only complaint is that the treadmill was acting up this morning and would just all of the sudden stop out of nowhere. Thankfully it didn't happen when I was jogging but it was still a bit unsettling when I was walking. After my 45 minutes on the treadmill I did some upper body lifting and some lower body stuff and then finished off with some stretching. Ladies, I have a confession, my balance sucks. As such, squatting and lunges were just a bit embarrassing in front of strangers. I didn't do to bad and nobody pointed and laughed so that's good. Maybe I should work on this. I used to have really good balance because I did a ton of balance activities when I was teaching in the exercise clinic. I should dust off some of that knowledge and put it to use for myself! Anyway, I felt great during my workout and I feel even better now (well, I will once I shower)! So glad I made myself workout. On a slightly unrelated note, I decided instead of eating Captain Crunch for breakfast this morning I should eat something less loaded in sugar (don't want to undo the workout) so I went for the Raisin Bran, which I love. However, just in case you didn't know you should always eat Raisin Bran by the best if used by date. The flakes weren't stale so I dove in but, the flakes weren't the issue. The raisins were hard, and chewy and I think I might have lost a filling :S OK, maybe not a filling but I thought I might. I either need to pitch the cereal or just pick out the raisins....ponder.

I need to find something to do today. I have to clean my kitchen and tonight I'll probably work on a blanket but I feel like I should take advantage of the gorgeous weather. I'm going to the Appleumpkin festival in Tecumseh tomorrow but I need something to do today. I'm going to have to think on this. Anyway, I should go and get cleaned up. Have an excellent weekend ladies!


LeAnn said...

You say "gorgeous;" I say it's a too-warm-for-my-apartment-to-be-comfortable, too-creepy-crawly-bug-like day. I thinks nice out, but the temps and bugs make it not-so-nice out.

Major kudos to you working out. You've got me beat for sure. 456 calories is awesome. I avoid squats and lunges thanks to my knees. I don't blame you for being self-conscious about any exercising in public. I know I don't look attractive when I jog or exercise in public. Just be proud and brave that you are being seen doing something commendable rather than pigging out on McDonalds or something else. I absolutely hate it when treadmills act up or skip - it really sucks when you are jogging. I always come close to falling or hurting myself.

I just told a student this past week that I will never eat Raisin Bran. Lol. I'm still a Chocolate Chex fanatic. Yummy. Hopefully you got something done today, and you'll have a good time at Appleumpkin.

Nicole said...

boo to the excessive heat and creepy crawlies! I didn't have to deal with either of those, unless you count the fuzzy caterpillar on the mum I just bought but I don't think he counts. Hopefully you guys start to get some more seasonable weather! Oh yeah, and DIE ASIAN BEETLES, DIE!!!

project.100.gone said...

Does your gym have any BOSU balls? Using those could make balance improvements fun. I know they're expensive though so some gyms don't have them. I think Dr. Franke had them in the exercise clinic when you were still at ISU. I have poor balance too. During our Nintendo Wii study, I tried the balance tests on the personal workout program and it was tough. I was waiting for the program to tell me to buy a cane because my balance sucked.

I do not like raisins so Raisin Bran has never been my favorite cereal. I haven't been on a cold cereal kick lately. I haven't been on a breakfast kick either which is bad.

I thought about buying a mum but never got around to it. Maybe next year.

Nicole said...

No they don't have any Bosu balls...I would LOVE it if they did. They don't even have balance balls. I used to use both types a lot when I was teaching classes in the clinic. I've priced BOSU balls but they are really expensive. Looks like it's single leg stands for me :)

I'll let you know how the mum goes!