Friday, October 1, 2010

Seven Pounds...

and no, I'm not talking about the Will Smith movie. I am talking about the seven pounds that I lost during the month of September! I am super excited and can't wait to keep moving forward. Now, I know enough about physiology and weight loss to realize that at some of this weight is most likely water weight fluctuation but I feel pretty confident that I met my five pound goal of lost weight for the month.

I feel pretty happy about September as a whole. I didn't eat out at all, go me! And I think I might have had 3 maybe 4 pops. I thought it would be hard to not eat out but it hasn't been bad. I've just found that I need to have quick cooking meals for the nights that I get home really late and don't want to take the time and energy to make a really nice meal. I've found that some of the healthier frozen dinners (Smart Ones, Healthy Choice etc.) are actually quite tasty, and if you make the entree and pair it up with a salad with lots of veggies on it you get a very satisfying and balanced meal. I've also taken to eating some of the veggie burger type things. I really like the Morning Star spicy black bean burger and they have a tomato basil burger that's pretty tasty. I haven't tried their chik'n products made from chickpeas but my sister and brother really like them. They take all of 90 seconds to heat up in the microwave and they are very healthy for you. I have a really hard time eating things that I don't like. I just figure if it's not good why waste the calories, right? So I'm glad that I've been able to find things that I can cook quickly that are good and good for me.

My exercise schedule is going well. I've been working out 4 nights a week after work and then making sure I do something at least on day over the weekend. I am really happy with how things are progressing. When I first did my new lower body workout I was fairly sore the next day, however, I have gotten past that point and now my muscles feel really good after doing those exercises. I've decided for October to try and get in some work in the mornings and in the evenings. I figure if I alternate between upper, lower and core resistance training in the mornings (it takes much less time than the cardio) and get my aerobic exercise in the evening I'll be able to really balance what I'm doing. I have my exercise schedule for the month created already. Now I just need to stick to it.

I don't know if I've told you or not but my sister Karla has decided to lose weight the same way my brother did. She is taking Phentermine and limiting caloric intake and increasing her light aerobic exercise. She met with the doctor at the beginning of September to do the pre-therapy physical and consultation. She didn't start taking the pill until the 13th because she wanted to be able to celebrate her birthday without worrying about calories. Well, she went back to the doctor on Wednesday and she had lost 26 two weeks! My inner physiologist cringes when I think about losing weight that fast but I also know that it's done in a controlled and reasonably safe manner. Anybody who who takes this pill and follows that plan has to go in for monthly physicals with EKGs and blood work to make sure everything is OK.

I am really happy for Karla and I know that by losing this weight, it will make it a lot easier for her to do the things that she needs to do in order to keep losing. Even if she loses 120 pounds she'll probably have another 70 pounds before she reaches her target weight. While I'm happy for her I'm also a little jealous. I will never be able to lose weight that quickly and my 7 pounds in a month seem pretty flimsy when compared to her 26 in two weeks. However, you better believe that this is some extreme motivation for me to keep doing what I'm doing. If I keep plugging away and lose around 5 pounds a month I will eventually catch up with her and Cody. I told them both that I can't be the only fatty left in the family :)

Anyway, I think that's all I have to say for now. I hope that you ladies are having an excellent Friday and have a great weekend!


Tiff said...

Hi Nicole!
Great job with your 7 lbs!!! Those are hard earned and know that it takes time to lose it. You are doing it!! My verse of the week last week was Deuteronomy 30:11 "Now, what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach." Basically my take away is it will be difficult but not too difficult. Also, great for your sister!! I will type up the recipe and will post it. I hope that you have a wonderful weekend! Thanks for sharing your goals. Keep up the good work!

LeAnn said...

Congratulations on the very successful month. I'm jealous. You did well eating, exercising, and cooking! The exercising part is what I am most jealous of. I can't believe how exhausted I am by the time I get home at 9:30 pm. I don't know how I could manage a before school or after school work out without killing myself more.

I don't mind the Healthy Choice and Smart Ones either. I haven't boughten them in awhile, but maybe I should. The microwave is often fought over during lunch at school, so it's not a great option for me to bring. For some reason, in the past two weeks I have had two or three Diet Cokes. It's weird, because I had been doing so well without pop. I need to nip that in the bud before it's an every day or every week thing.

I completely understand how you feel about your sister having extreme success with her diet. Your happy with a tinge of jealousy. Losing weight isn't suppose to be that easy. It'd be great if you both had success.

Good luck with your October goal(s)!