Wednesday, October 20, 2010

28 and counting!

Well, it's official...I'm 28. I've been getting stumped the last few days when people at work ask me how old I am. I've had to resort to doing math to make sure that I was 27 going on 28 as opposed to 26 going on 27. Anyway, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that 28 is how old I am (despite my unsettling desire to type 29...let's not rush things)! I know that as I approach the awful 3-0! getting older should freak me out but I always like getting older. I'm like good wine, I get better with age!

As a whole, I enjoyed my 27th year. While there were moments of heartache and tragedy there were also a lot of wonderful moments filled with love and happiness. I will never forget the look on my mom's face when I surprised her on New Years Eve. It's priceless and I will treasure that moment forever. I will never forget welcoming Brooklyn into our family and I will always love the day that Dean married Alecia and she became part of our crazy family. I will always remember my 27th year as the year that my sister met the love of her life and he decided to become part of our family as well. And, while it's not a happy moment, I will remember forever holding my mom's hand as she left this world and joined those we've lost before. In all of my years past and ahead I don't know how a moment could ever be more tender or filled with more love than that moment was.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to starting off a wonderful 28th year. I hope that there is even more happiness and love than 27. I have some goals for the next year regarding my life and I hope to see them pan out. It's a fresh start and I'm really excited to see what unfolds!


project.100.gone said...

All I can say is that I definitely approve of your outlook for another year of life! I know your Mom would also approve of all the postivity associated with your 28th year :)

LeAnn said...

Happy Birthday again. You had a good reflection of your year. Each year does have its up and downs. I'm glad you have a positive outlook, but really, why shouldn't you have a positive outlook? Every birthday should be a chance to reflect on your year and look forward to what the next year will bring. I'm sure 28 will be a good one. Jenny'll be joining you shortly. Lol. I hope you had a good one and it continues into a good weekend!