Sunday, October 10, 2010

A very delayed update

Hey Everyone:

I've had time tonight to catch up on and read everyone's entries over the past week or so. Sorry for not commenting on them sooner. I have a rule with this site....if I cannot sit and give my full attention to reading and writing entries, then I don't bother. Thanks to my recent busy week, I didn't sit down and try to read or write but this upcoming week looks less strenuous so I hope to blog again later in the week :)

I was able to take it easy tonight which helped me accomplish some things around my apartment. Gavin and I rented movies this week so I watched Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds". It was our first official scary movie for the Halloween season. I hope to catch the countdown to the scariest movies on a cable channel in the next couple weeks. We've also been watching shows about the top haunted attractions in the USA. I'm not sure if I get to visit any haunted houses this season because my youngest sister won't be visiting Ames this year around Halloween. I'm a pansy and won't go to any by myself. Gavin isn't comfortable with the idea yet so I won't make him go with me. I decorated the apartment finally and used the Halloween lights I bought a couple years ago for the first time. The orange and purple lights are making my living room very eerie and I love it. We also watched "Sister Wives" on TLC and I'm hooked on that show. They only have one episode left in the series. It is such a controversial show and I know most religions are up in arms about how popular the show has become. I may not agree with all parts of the show but the amount of love that all parties have for one another is impressive. Sadly, there are families that practice monogamy that don't prioritize love or value what family offers.

Onto the lifestyle aspects of this entry....I'm not exercising enough. I could be exercising more and I'm not. I wish money grew on trees because the idea of setting up appointments with a personal trainer is appealing. Appealing but expensive. It's become apparent that I need someone to encourage me or work out with me. I know Jon would work out with me but we don't see each other very often during the week. I might consider it after I pay off the debt associated with my recent dental work...but that won't be until 2011. My eating is still out of whack too. I have some good days filled with good choices and other days that involve poor nutrition choices. I think journaling will become a strong possibility in my near future. I'm still very impulsive when it comes to making health-based choices and I need to switch that type of thinking. I'm feeling somewhat better and my mystery illness was more kind to me at the end of last week and over the weekend.

I'll be adding more interesting content to the blog later in the week :) I hope everyone has a good start to the week. I'm ready for the temperature to go down a little bit because I was very sweaty today while watching flag football. I also had to use my AC a little bit this weekend and I wanted to keep it shut off for the rest of the year when I stopped using it in September. Oh well. Have a good one!


Nicole said...

Howdy lady! Glad you had a little down time. You seem to get so little of it. I hope you were able to just relax and spend some quality R&R time with Gavin.

I love 'The Birds' so very much. I haven't seen it in a really long time...maybe I should netflix it. I'm putting together my scary movie list for Halloween and leading up to Halloween and Mr. Hitchcock may need to make an appearance.

I haven't seen Sister Wives (no cable) but I've heard a little about it. I can see why churches would be up in arms about it but sometimes I think we need to focus more on love than on what we think is right. How many people are in monogymous marriages who have no love at all. Not to mention all of the cheating that takes place.

I'm sorry to hear that you're lifestyle changes haven't happened like you want. It's so hard when there is so many other things going on. I know I'm far away but I'm here for you!

LeAnn said...

It literally bugs me if I know you or Nicole have blogged and I haven't read and/or commented on it. That's why I am commenting now. I couldn't put it off any longer.

I remember watching The Birds in some class. It was either Mr. Stamper's or Mr. Myers. It was sort've corny, scary, but I can see Gavin liking it. I like a few scary movies, but I don't have the time to watch scary shows or whatnot during October. I was able to catch Sister Wives last night, thanks to my easy schedule on Wednesdays. It is engrossing. It reminds me of when I was interested in Jon and Kate Plus Eight. It was good until the whole divorce fiasco. I'll watch Sister Wives until it goes downhill too. It's funny how I am picking who I like and who I don't. It's very interesting. It was funny how they commented on how they make their lives work financially. But Kody is driving a Lexus and someone else is driving a Sebring convertible. Plus, they keep having kids. If you have trouble with money, take a look around.

I'm not making the greatest lifestyle choices either. I am giving myself excuses with time and work. I would like to wait until the play is over, because my time will free up quite a bit. It's less than a month away, so I'm very tempted to wait. However, for now, I could be more conscious of my eating. I totally agree about the AC and temps. I didn't plan on turning our AC on in October. I think we'll be good for the rest of the year though.

I'm interested to see/hear your next blog since you hinted as interesting content. I'll be seeing you soon. I'm hoping for an awesome weekend!