Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Tuesday totally sucked...

I don't know if it was just me but yesterday sucked...big time! Work sucked. Julie was gone which means that her workload (4 exercise tests) fell on me. Because of this I didn't get to eat anything during the day and let me tell you, a hungry Nicole is not a happy Nicole. If I had known I wasn't going to get lunch or even get a break yesterday I would have eaten more than an egg and a piece of toast at breakfast. I wouldn't have been so crabby except for the fact that while I was in my tests, 2 of my remaining co-workers did nothing to help out which means the other girl in the lab was running around like a crazy woman trying to cover 3 full clinic by herself. So, when I got back to the lab things were crazy and nothing was done. I got as much done by 5 as I could but I decided seems how I already had an hour of overtime because I worked through my lunch I would just leave some of my data entry for today.

On my drive home from work, which was actually very nice as it was cool, breezy and sunny Tasha called me from the cemetery. She and Karla were out putting a Halloween decoration at Mom's grave. She was crying when she called me and that got me going. I managed to A) not get into an accident and B) collect myself before I got home but I was sort of touch and go for the rest of the night. After working out and eating supper I sat down to watch Glee which was a huge mistake last night. One of the character's dad had a funky heart rhythm which lead to a heart attack and coma that they didn't know if he could recover from. The whole show was about death and God and they were in the ICU and it was just all too familiar. I was sitting there, working on a blanket bawling my eyes out. I literally didn't stop crying the rest of the night. I'm not going to lie, while I was never much of a crier before, since everything with Mom it doesn't take a lot to get me going but I haven't been like this in a while. I seriously cried for 3 hours straight last night. Let me tell you, I was quite a sight with smeared mascara, blood shot and puffy eyes, red splotches all over my face and snot coming out of my nose. Anyway, I got myself under control around 11 and went to bed. However, when I got in bed I couldn't all. I spent a lot of time tossing and turning last night. The 5:35 alarm came really early this morning. So, instead of getting up, I shut it off and got an extra 45 minutes of sleep.

Anyway, my eyes are still a bit red this morning and I still feel a little off but so far my Wednesday is better. One of our doctors brought in some fabulous pastries and I figure my lack of calories yesterday totally justified my splurging today! I've also managed to finish up my data entry from yesterday and I have 3 of my 4 exercise tests written up. I'd have all 4 done but Dr. Bradley hasn't given me the last one back yet. Oh well, I can't be too mad at him, if it weren't for him I wouldn't have had the almond-cinnamony goodness of my danish this morning!


LeAnn said...

What a coincidence! Yesterday was a very hard day for me too. Obviously, we had very different days, but it's funny our days were such crap. It sounds like your work situation was beyond unfair. Not getting a break at all is such a stressful thing, because we need those moments to recharge and refresh. Hopefully, you won't have many more of those days.

I wouldn't be surprised if your strong reaction to Tasha's call had something to do with your long, stressful day. I'm not saying it had nothing to do with your sadness about the loss of your mom. I'm sure the crappiness of the day didn't help. Breakdowns are allowed for sure. Every once in awhile I want to break down due to work and relationships. You have more reason to break down, so don't be embarrassed or afraid to do so. I just hope you sleep better tonight.

Nicole said...

Thanks Leann! I didn't sleep especially well last night but both yesterday and today were much happier days. I think you're right, I was stressed from my long day at work and I think that played a big part in it. I'm sorry to hear that you had a bad Tuesday as well. I hope your week is shaping up. On a happier note, tomorrow is FRIDAY!

Tiff said...

Hey Nicole,
Just thinking of you and so sorry you had a bad Tuesday. I hope the rest of your week went better. It's still so soon and fresh in your mind I'm sure that Glee brought back many memories. I am praying you will find some comfort and peace today. I know it will be hard for awhile when remembering your mom. Praying you through those times.


Nicole said...

Thanks Tiffany!