Sunday, October 17, 2010

These old bones....

HURT!!! I guess my bones aren't old but they are certainly acting like it!

Hey ladies:

My lack of blogging last week makes me a liar! I kept bring up this site at work during some breaks but it never materialized into a meaningful blog entry. I've had a week filled with peaks and downfalls. I'll start off with the positives since I don't want to be all whiny and full of complaints right off the bat. We had a low-key weekend with a lot of leisure. I didn't have any work hanging over my head or stressing me out. We also got to bop down to Des Moines on Friday night and see LeAnn & Jason. Gavin enjoyed swimming at their hotel pool and we had a great meal at Taki Japanese Steakhouse. I'll never get sick of that place or their orange dipping sauce. I also got to watch Gavin play one of his last 5th grade flag football games. Sadly they lost but it's relaxing to sit and watch him play on a beautiful Sunday afternoon.

Onto the sucky part of the week and body has felt like hell. I felt somewhat achey and out of sorts on Friday and took a sick day. It's hard to explain but I didn't feel right and didn't feel comfortable driving. I never felt dizzy or nauseated but something felt "off". My appetite went back to normal later in the day (thank goodness) so I was able to eat and enjoy my meal at Taki.

Saturday was a different story. I could not get out of bed on Saturday morning. It was really disappointing because I had a goal to go back to Des Moines to do some shopping for Gavin and see LeAnn & Jason again. I continued to rest throughout the morning but did not improve. It felt like every bone in my body hurt and that every muscle in my body was strained. Sitting up or walking to the bathroom was agonizing. I took Ibuprofen throughout the day until I reached my daily limit. Nothing made a dent on the pain.

Today was slightly better but I still dealt with pain off and on. Fortunately it only seemed to affect my lower body and not my whole body. It got really bad right before Gavin's football game but I made myself go to the game so Gavin wouldn't miss out.

I've been in contact with my Mom about my odd symptoms these last weeks and Jon has been researching my symptoms. He sent me a link today about fibromyalgia. I had never considered that disorder before...but the link opened my eyes. In the past I've kind of rolled my eyes at the disorder because it didn't make sense that people would be in so much pain but not have any proof about the disorder in blood work or medical exams. I really hope I don't have it but as of today, it fits my symptoms in a scary way.

Here's information from WebMD in case you're curious.

I spoke to a family member today that suffers from it and she told me the best way to prevent the onset of body soreness and pain is exercise. My question the heck do you perform quality exercise if your body is out of whack and sore consistently? I guess you really have to utilize the "good" days you have when your body cooperates.

On a different note, I've finished a book this weekend. I read "Madame Bovary". I read it back in high school for extra credit in my AP English class and wanted to revisit it again. It was considered controversial back in the day because the story is set around extramarital affairs by a woman. Thanks to the content we are subjected to today, the story doesn't seem controversial at all. Sadly I didn't enjoy it as much as I hoped. I remember loving the story back in the 90s so I was disappointed. I got my biography of Judy Garland back from my dad in September so I'm starting up with that book again.

Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts this week. I hope to see the doctor today (Monday) so I can figure out what the heck is going on with my body. I'm going to immediately bring up my concerns about fibromyalgia and see what she thinks. I was surprised that my Aunt Patty passed away this weekend. I knew she was declining but still thought she would make it closer to Thanksgiving. I'm just relieved she isn't suffering anymore. It's another realization that life is too short and you need to treasure and love the things most important to your life.

Have a good start to your week!


LeAnn said...

Well, maybe now you can get some answers for your undiagnosable illness. It's too bad that it affects you so much. I would be extremely frustrated. You didn't miss a whole lot on Saturday. We just went from one store to another. Every once in awhile I felt crappy, so we didn't get to do everything we wanted. After supper, I got a sinus headache thing, so we skipped a movie. We didn't hit the hot tub or pool either, so we're pretty boring. Yesterday seemed like a perfect day to watch Gavin play football. It's too bad we were in a rush to come home, otherwise it would have been fun to watch him too. Taki was super yummy. The steak and chicken were superb. I don't know why, but Jason wasn't impressed by the orange sauce. I do have a couple of pictures from Taki that I'll put on Facebook today or tomorrow.

I do have Madame Bovary, but I also bought two more books this weekend, so my book list is truly multiplying too fast. I don't know how or when I'll get through them. It'll be interesting what your doctor says today. I agree with your point about Patty's death. Well, time for me to get ready for the day. It was sooo hard to get out of bed this morning.

Nicole said...

I am so sorry that you've been going through so much lately. I know the Smith family has had many losses and now you've got this horrible pain. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and hopefully you will get through this.

Glad you got to enjoy Gavin's game. It's one of those things that really matters.

I hope you have a good visit with the doctor today. I hope that something can be decided and your symptoms helped. Let me know how things turn out.

p.s. Taki sounds amazing right about now!