Wednesday, October 27, 2010

20 pounds and 'the monster who ate New York'

Happy Wednesday all. I haven't had a chance to blog in a while because I've been busy at work (yay) and just haven't been able to find the time to do so at home. Things have been going pretty well here in Michigan. I won't pretend that the roller coaster weather hasn't been just a teensy bit annoying, it's wreaking havoc on my thermoregulation, but if that's my major complaint in life right now things are good.

I had a great weekend. Saturday was the Young ICD (internal cardioverter defibrillator...they're the ones that shock people when they need it)Conference and it was a rocking good time as always. This is the 2nd year I've volunteered and it really is a lot of fun. The department basically rents out the entire event center at the Marriott and they have food, speakers, entertainment, therapaws etc. It is literally a full day devoted to young men and women, along with their friends and families, to hang out with people who have gone through the same thing that they have. After my shift was over, I went out to lunch with a group of women from work to celebrate my birthday. I had an amazing burger and fries and washed it down with pumpkin ice cream (which was divine)! I felt kind of bad about eating so poorly, especially considering the fact that I missed my Saturday morning workout because I was at the conference. However, when I stepped on the scale Sunday morning (very nervously I might add) I was pleasantly surprised. I have hit the 20 pound mark!!

I'm surprised with how quickly it has come off but when I think about what I've been doing it makes sense. Other than for my birthday I haven't eaten out since Labor Day weekend and I don't drink hardly any pop these days. I bought a 12 pack of ginger ale back at the end of September and I still have 6 or 7 cans left in the fridge. I know I don't always eat the best homemade foods ( I somehow doubt tater tot casserole will ever make the list of health foods) but it's still better than eating out and everything is OK in moderation. I have also been really faithful to my exercise schedule. I try and do something most days of the week. I will alternate between in-home cardio and resistance training during the week and then Saturday mornings I hit up the mini-gym at my apartment and get in a really good workout there. I'm definitely able to get in a much better cardio workout there than home. It's just impossible to get in there after work. There are 2 treadmills and they are always being used. I honestly think when I'm done making my crazy student loan payments in May I'm going to get a pass to a real fitness facility, if I could swing it financially now I would it's just no feasible. I have a co-worker who joined the Y and they have a lot of class options which I like. We'll just have to see.

Finally, I was talking to Tasha last week and she was unpacking her groceries. She was telling me all about the good deals she got at the store and then told me her dinner plans for the week. I was totally surprised and thrilled when she told me she was making 'the monster who ate New York' for the kids. Now, I realize that we are probably the only people who have a dinner that is called 'the monster who ate New York' and that saddens me greatly because it is so amazing. People always ask where the name came from. Honestly, I can't tell you. My first memory of eating this dish is back when my parents were married and we were living in Sumner (which was before I started school). Imagine Shepherd's pie and tator tot casserole mating and having a baby. That baby would be 'the monster who ate New York.' I'll post the recipe and you'll have to give it a try. I highly recommend it! Anyway, as I was describing this dish to the girls at work they were all flummoxed when I compared it to tator tot casserole. Not a single person that I work with has ever heard of tator tot is that even possible?!?!? Don't get me wrong, I realize that there are foods that tend to be region specific but I didn't think Michigan was so far removed from Iowa that they wouldn't know what tator tot casserole was. Anyway, Julie made it and loved it...I have one convert! Sheena was looking up recipes the other day so I think there might be another convert on the way. Maybe this is why I was supposed to be in Michigan. Maybe my whole purpose was to share the joys of tator tot casserole with the Michiganders (yes, that's what they call themselves).

OK, I should wrap up. I'll add another post with the casserole recipe. Have a great day and rest of the week!


LeAnn said...

This week has definitely gone fast. I'm still a fan of the weather, but the recent wind has made life difficult. It's so gusty. It sounds like you had a good weekend. The ice cream sounds so yummy.
Congrats on your diligent exercise, eating, and weight loss. I wish I could echo your success. Believe it or not, I miss my jogs. I feel less happy with my body, I don't have that lovely working-out high anymore, and I think my acne and other stuff are off because I've stopped.
I too am debating a pass to the local fitness center. It seems almost a necessity as the weather gets worse. I hope I can swing it financially. It sucks that I won't get to run outdoors much longer. The fall weather is so perfect for it. The darn play eats up my fall enjoyment time.
I am surprised your co-workers were out of the loop on tater-tot casserole. You have given them a gift. I'm not a fan of Shepard's pie, so I don't know if I'd like the monster that ate New York. I might just have to stick with tater-tot casserole.
Hope you continue to have a good week even though it's busy. Thanks for the share!

project.100.gone said...

I need to get my butt in gear and check the blog more often!

I am very proud of you! 20 lbs! What a great checkpoint to reach!

I'm shocked about the lack of tator tot casserole knowledge in that state. Thanks for educating people about the goodness of the casserole of tator tot. I don't think I've ever had Shepard's Pie.