Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Happy Summer!

Hello ladies! While I know it's not technically summer for another few weeks I feel like Memorial Day really starts the season. I figure almost all pools open Memorial Day weekend and what is a truer sign of summer than the blue, chlorinated goodness of a swimming pool. I had all intentions of taking advantage of the newly opened pool at my apartment complex this weekend but sadly it didn't happen.

Although I didn't get in any pool time I did have a nice long weekend. On Saturday I spent the day at the zoo in Toledo. It was a warm but very nice day and it was lots of fun. The animals were adorable as always, especially the baby polar bear. There was a lot of sun but it was quite breezy and there was a lot of shade. I was able to get some color but didn't get burned...at least not until the drive home (my driving arm got a little toasted). When I got back to Ypsi I went over and spent some time with my friend Chris. She can't be out in the heat/sun while on doing chemo so she's been home bound lately.

Sunday was church. After worshiping God I had planned on doing a bit of sun worship at the pool, however, my apartment complex had other plans. I got everything ready but when I got to the pool there was a sign saying that the pool was closed for the day. I was very sad but made the most of the day. I did a bit of shopping, or at least attempted shopping, and worked on reading a book. I am a big fan of a series by Kim Harrison. It's a fantasy series about a witch, vampire and pixie who run a bounty hunter/detective type firm. The author released a new book this spring and I realized that I was actually two books behind in the series. Hopefully I'll be able to catch up soon. Other than that I have a few other books that I'm hoping to listen too soonish. On my days at work that I have to scan Holters I like to listen to audio books. Right now I have 'Tuck Everlasting' and 'Coraline' on my iPod. I've never read either book but I want to read the former because it's been my sister's favorite book since she was young and I would like to read the latter because I really liked the movie. I'll let you know what I think when I've listened to them.

Yesterday was pretty cruddy here as it basically rained all day. I spent the day inside feeding my newest addiction. I have Netflix and have slowly been working my way through the Buffy the Vampire Slayer series. Now I realize that I'm about a decade late in catching onto the Buffy fever but we didn't have the WB growing up (I think that's what station it was on) and I had never seen an episode before they became available for instant view on Netflix. Almost all of my friends LOVED the show so I thought I would see what all of the fuss was about. It's fairly entertaining but I will admit to being glad when they transitioned out of the 90s and into the 2000s. Not only have the clothes gotten better but I don't have to hear the word 'sitch' any more.

Anyway, there are some other things that I want to discuss but I think I'll do another post. Have a great day ladies!


LeAnn said...

You have the pool blues, lol. I agree about the summer weather. It's been so warm lately, and I have the tan to prove it. I love zoos. I need to visit one. Shopping and reading sound fun. However, I have been reading almost non-stop. Coraline and Tuck Everlasting are two that have always seemed interesting to me. I believe I know the author of Coraline; he's one of my favs. Keep enjoying the sun, the books, and Netflixing.

project.100.gone said...

Coraline is by Neil Gaiman, I really like his work. I'll let you know how it turns out.

冠慧 said...

nice job! waiting for your new artical. .................................................................